Katitza Rodriguez

Guest Author

Katitza Rodriguez (@txitua) is Policy Director for Global Privacy at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. She concentrates on comparative policy of global privacy issues, with special emphasis on emerging technology and cross border data flows. Katitza’s work also focuses on cybersecurity and government access to data at the intersection of international human rights law and standards. Katitza also supervises EFF’s growing Latin American team. She was an advisor to the UN Internet Governance Forum (2009-2010). In 2018, CNET named Katitza one of the 20 most influential Latinos in technology in the United States. In 2014, she was also named one of “The heroes in the fight to save the Internet“.

Before joining EFF, Katitza was director of the international privacy program at the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington D.C., where amongst other things, she worked on The Privacy and Human Rights Report, an international survey of privacy laws and developments in more than 6o countries. Katitza is well known to many in global civil society and in international policy venues for her work at the U.N. Internet Governance Forum and her pivotal role in the creation and ongoing success of the Civil Society Information Society Advisory Council at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, for which she served as the civil society liaison while at EPIC from 2008 to March 2010. Katitza holds a Bachelor in Law degree from the University of Lima, Peru. She is also on LinkedIn.

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