Elvina Pothelet
Elvina Pothelet (@ElvinaPothelet ) is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Geneva. Her research interests focus on the international law governing the use of force, the law of armed conflict and war crime law.
Articles by this author:
U.S. Military’s “Collective Self-Defense” of Non-State Partner Forces: What Does International Law Say?
Oct 26th, 2018
UPDATE: Mapping States’ Reactions to the Syria Strikes of April 2018
by Alonso Gurmendi Dunkelberg, Rebecca Ingber, Priya Pillai and Elvina Pothelet
May 7th, 2018
Mapping States’ Reactions to the U.S. Strikes Against Syria of April 2018–A Comprehensive Guide
by Alonso Gurmendi Dunkelberg, Rebecca Ingber, Priya Pillai and Elvina Pothelet
May 7th, 2018