Andrei Serbin Pont

Guest Author

Andrei Serbin Pont (LinkedInX) is an international analyst focused on foreign policy, defense, security, human rights, regional integration, conflict and mass atrocity prevention. Director of the regional thinktank CRIES (Coordinadora Regional de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales), GPPAC Regional Representative (Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict) and Full Professor at Universidad del Salvador. He is an Adjunct Director of Academic Journal Pensamiento Propio, Valdai Club expert, and columnist for Perfil. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, a Masters in International Relations from the San Tiago Dantas Program (Sao Paulo, Brazil), a Bachelors in Liberal Arts with orientation in Public Policy from UNSAM (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and graduated from the National Defense School in Argentina.

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