Daniel Marín-López

Guest Author

Daniel Marín-López (@marintencionado) is a Transitional Justice Fellow at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy of Harvard University. As an expert advisor at the Colombian Truth Commission, he contributed to the collective work of researchers to establish extrajudicial responsibilities of economic actors in grave human rights violations committed during the internal armed conflict. He previously worked at Dejusticia, a Colombia-based human rights research and advocacy organization dedicated to the promotion of social justice in the Global South, where he focused on issues of transitional justice, the Colombian armed conflict, and business and human rights, and was a legal aid for the “Transitional Justice in Colombia” program of the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ).

Daniel is a lecturer on “Business, Development and Human Rights” at Universidad de Los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia), and on “Critical Studies of Human Rights” at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia). His most recent publication is “Rebels at War, Criminals in Peace: A critical approach to violence in Colombia” (Rethinking Marxism, 2021) with Sebastián Ronderos.

Daniel studied Political Science (B.A.) and Law (J.D.) at Universidad de Los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia), and was an International Human Rights Fellow at Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law, where he studied a LL.M (honors).

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