Itamar Mann
Guest Author
Itamar Mann (@itamann) is an associate professor of Law at the University of Haifa and a research fellow at Humboldt University in Berlin. He teaches international law and a number of related courses, including an elective on law and terrorism, environmental law, and a clinical seminar. Before moving to Haifa, he was the national security law fellow and an adjunct professor at Georgetown Law Center. He holds an LLB from Tel Aviv University, and LLM and JSD degrees from Yale Law School. Mann is also the president of Border Forensics, a Geneva based investigation group. His book, Humanity at Sea: Maritime Migration and the Foundations of International Law, came out with Cambridge University Press in 2016.
Articles by this author:
Justice for Trans-border Torture Requires Rethinking the International Criminal Court’s Jurisdiction in the Israel-Palestine Conflict
by Smadar Ben-Natan and Itamar Mann
Aug 7th, 2024
Torture by Rescue: Asylum-Seeker Pushbacks in the Aegean
by Itamar Mann and Niamh Keady-Tabbal
Oct 26th, 2020
Tents at Sea: How Greek Officials Use Rescue Equipment for Illegal Deportations
by Niamh Keady-Tabbal and Itamar Mann
May 22nd, 2020
An Urgent Need for International Action on Australia’s Refugees
by Itamar Mann and Diala Shamas
Jun 6th, 2017