Marty Lederman
Articles by this author:
al-Bahlul decided: Court invalidates military commission conviction for domestic-law offense
Jun 12th, 2015
Thoughts on Zivotofsky, Part Four: Justice Thomas as constitutional iconoclast (or, “What was so terrible about King George III, anyway?”)
Jun 11th, 2015
Thoughts on Zivotofsky, Part Three: The broad consensus on presidential and congressional foreign affairs authorities
Jun 11th, 2015
U.S. Special Forces kill ISIL leader, detain another, during capture operation in Syria [UPDATED]
May 16th, 2015
[UPDATED with details and analysis] BREAKING: Second Circuit rules that Section 215 does not authorize telephony bulk collection program
May 7th, 2015
Whatever became of the Votel transparency proposal concerning drone strikes in Yemen?
Apr 14th, 2015
The case for the President’s unilateral authority to conclude the impending Iran deal is easy because it will (likely) be a nonbinding agreement under international law
by Jack Goldsmith and Marty Lederman
Mar 11th, 2015
What is no longer classified? (and what does it portend for the credibility of government declarations insisting on the need for categorical secrecy of covert action programs?)
Feb 25th, 2015