Marty Lederman
Articles by this author:
[UPDATED] Magistrate Judge Orenstein’s order in the EDNY, denying DOJ’s All Writs Act request . . .
Mar 1st, 2016
Apple’s motion to vacate the All Writs Act assistance order: Has Apple chosen the best “test case”?
Feb 26th, 2016
“Expansion” or contraction?: The case of Special Operations forces in the Middle East
Dec 28th, 2015
Why should the Constitution require Article III courts for criminal trials of federal offenses?
Dec 14th, 2015
Clarifying what’s at stake in al Bahlul (short answer: judge and jury) . . . and what’s not
Nov 30th, 2015
The insoluble Guantánamo problem (Part Three: Executive disregard of the GTMO-to-U.S. relocation prohibition is not a solution)
Nov 13th, 2015
The insoluble Guantánamo problem (Part One: The President’s successful transformation of U.S. detention practices . . . and the GTMO exception)
Nov 12th, 2015
[corrected] GTMO provisions are one of three reasons for the President’s NDAA veto today
Oct 22nd, 2015
Bart Gellman at Purdue: Is it lawful to discuss and display the Snowden documents in universities?
Oct 21st, 2015
NY Times gets legislative and constitutional dynamic on Iran deal fundamentally wrong
Aug 18th, 2015
Further on the constitutionality of the nonbinding Iran JCPOA (and the conspicuous absence of congressional disagreement about it)
Aug 12th, 2015
What, exactly, does yesterday’s American Psychological Association resolution prohibit?
Aug 8th, 2015
Intelligence Community supports codification of the President’s prohibition on use of EITs and requirement of ICRC detainee access
Jul 24th, 2015
Thoughts on Zivotofsky, Part Seven: “Curtiss-Wright–out of sight,” and the fate of the argument for an exclusive executive diplomatic authority
Jun 14th, 2015