Ryan Kaminski
Guest Author
Ryan Kaminski is a Security Fellow with the Truman National Security Project. Previously, Ryan was the Human Rights Policy Advisor at the United Nations Foundation. He was also a consultant and staff member with the Council on Foreign Relations’ International Institutions and Global Governance Program. There he co-authored the CFR Report “Bolstering the UN Human Rights Council’s Effectiveness.” He was also consultant for Friends of the Global Fight Against AIDS, TB, and Malaria where he completed a policy brief on the role of civil society and human rights in combating pandemics.
He is a former Hong Kong Fulbright Fellow and has also held positions with Papua New Guinea’s Mission to the UN and Amnesty International USA. Currently, he is the Global Public Policy Lead at the World Benchmarking Alliance. Ryan is Term Member of the Council on Foreign Relations and recently appeared on the Out In National Security “2020 Leadership List.” He is a recipient of the Columbia University Jal Pavry Award for Research in International Understanding and the Leo Nevas Human Rights Award. He has published on U.S. foreign policy, human rights, and the UN in the Houston Chronicle, Yale Journal of International Affairs, Reuters, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, CFR Internationalist blog, and the Universal Rights Group. Ryan received his BA from the University of Chicago and MIA from Columbia University and is based in New York.