Ryan Goodman

Articles by this author:

The Radical Supreme Court Travel Ban Opinion–But why it might not apply to other immigrants’ rights cases

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Jun 27th, 2018

Saudi Arabia’s Misleading Email to Congress After Bombing of MSF Cholera Hospital


Jun 25th, 2018

Detention of Migrant Families as “Deterrence”: Ethical Flaws and Empirical Doubts

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Jun 22nd, 2018

Just Security Authors and Yemeni Human Rights Leaders Detained–now Released–by Saudi-Led Forces

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Jun 18th, 2018

Paul Manafort = Evidence of Collusion


Jun 15th, 2018

What Could Michael Cohen Tell Mueller about Russia Collusion?


Jun 13th, 2018

Trump’s Subpoena Gamble: Fighting It Could Open Door to Indictment


May 22nd, 2018

Dispelling the NYT’s “The Daily” Podcast’s Misconceptions about Mueller’s Options


May 18th, 2018

The Missing Justice Dep’t Memo on Whether a President Can Be Subpoenaed to Testify in a Criminal Case

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May 17th, 2018

Does the U.S. “Deliberately Misinterpret” the Laws of War?–A Response to Gabor Rona


May 15th, 2018

Legal Limits on Military Assistance to Proxy Forces: Pathways for State and Official Responsibility


May 14th, 2018

What Mueller’s Questions to Trump Reveal About the Future of the Russia Investigation

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May 1st, 2018

New Evidence of Obstruction of Justice in House Intelligence Committee Minority Report


Apr 28th, 2018

Legal Implications of the Defect in Pentagon’s Civilian Casualty Assessments


Apr 26th, 2018

House Intel Committee Findings Contradict Kushner’s Testimony


Mar 30th, 2018

Civilian Casualties: We Need Better Estimates—Not Just Better Numbers

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Mar 22nd, 2018

Sessions’ Firing McCabe Violated His Promise to Recuse


Mar 17th, 2018

Salisbury Response Option: Take Putin to Int’l Criminal Court

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Mar 13th, 2018

Cyber Operations and the U.S. Definition of “Armed Attack”


Mar 8th, 2018

Russia “Previewed” Plan to Disseminate Emails with Trump Campaign


Mar 1st, 2018

The Pardon Boomerang: Why Trump Associates May Need to Decline Any Offer of a Pardon


Feb 21st, 2018

“Reasonable Certainty” vs “Near Certainty” in Military Targeting–What the Law Requires

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Feb 15th, 2018

Dissecting the Grassley-Graham Letter’s Criticisms of the Carter Page FISA Application


Feb 7th, 2018

President Trump and Concealing Evidence in the Russia Probe

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Feb 1st, 2018

Three Insights into Attempted Firing of Mueller and Obstruction of Justice


Jan 26th, 2018

The Russia Cover Up and Conspiring to Lie to Federal Authorities


Jan 25th, 2018

Best Advice for Policymakers on “Bloody Nose” Strike against North Korea: It’s Illegal

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Jan 23rd, 2018

Exclusive: New Evidence of Loopholes in Facebook’s Regulation of Terrorism Content


Jan 16th, 2018

“Congressional Authorizations on Use of Force,” by Defense Dep’t Principal Deputy General Counsel William Castle (Full Text)


Dec 11th, 2017

Why Conservatives Should Embrace Bob Mueller


Dec 11th, 2017

When Erik Prince Called US Intelligence Assessment of Russian Election Hack “too cute and very, very thin”


Nov 30th, 2017

What You Could Not Learn from NYT and WSJ on Kushner’s “Russian Backdoor” Email


Nov 21st, 2017

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