Ryan Goodman

Articles by this author:

35 Questions for Congress to Ask Robert Mueller (+ Questions from Readers)

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Jul 22nd, 2019

House Should Prepare Criminal Referral of A.G. Barr for Lying to Congress

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Jul 22nd, 2019

Unpacking the State Dept Acknowledgment that 2001 and 2002 AUMFs Don’t Authorize War Against Iran

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Jul 3rd, 2019

Annie Donaldson is Not the President’s “Alter Ego”

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Jun 24th, 2019

Asking the Right Question on Iran, Al-Qaeda and the AUMF

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Jun 21st, 2019

A Side-by-Side Comparison of Barr’s vs. Mueller’s Statements about Special Counsel Report


Jun 5th, 2019

Mueller’s Message: The Obstruction That Nearly Halted Criminal Case Against Russians


May 29th, 2019

What Nixon’s Impeachment Can and Can’t Tell Us About the Impeachment of Trump


May 21st, 2019

All the President’s Lawyers: A Chart of Misconduct and Possible Crimes Revealed by Mueller Report

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May 14th, 2019

Barr to Senate: President is Not Immune from Prosecutor Declaration of Indictable Offense


May 1st, 2019

What Congress Should Ask Bill Barr When He Testifies

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Apr 30th, 2019

Guide to the Mueller Report’s Findings on “Collusion”


Apr 29th, 2019

Trump Endorses U.S. Citizen-Turned Libyan Warlord, Despite Video Evidence of Haftar’s Ordering War Crimes


Apr 22nd, 2019

Barr’s Playbook: He Misled Congress When Omitting Parts of Justice Dep’t Memo in 1989


Apr 15th, 2019

Q&A: Does an Assange Prosecution Pose a Threat to Freedom of the Press?

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Apr 11th, 2019

What the President May Now Fear Most in Mueller Report


Apr 10th, 2019

The Missing Piece of the Mueller Investigation

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Mar 29th, 2019

Top 4 Things to Look for in Mueller’s Report in Light of Barr’s Letter

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Mar 26th, 2019

BREAKING: United States Supports Germany’s International Arrest Warrant for Accused Syrian War Criminal


Mar 6th, 2019

Trump Told Cohen to Lie to Congress About “Collusion” in General—Not just the Moscow Tower deal


Mar 4th, 2019

Trump’s Invoking Obama Signing Statement as Reason Not to Report to Congress on Khashoggi Murder: A Roundup of Expert Views


Feb 28th, 2019

The Biggest Bombshell in Michael Cohen’s Written Testimony


Feb 27th, 2019

Mueller’s Findings: Why DOJ Non-Disclosure Policy and Grand Jury Secrecy May Not Apply

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Feb 26th, 2019

Stop Using the Word “Collusion”—How to Frame the Critical Question at the Heart of Trump-Russia

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Feb 21st, 2019

Human Rights Law and U.S. Military Operations in Foreign Countries: The Prohibition on Arbitrary Deprivation of Life


Feb 19th, 2019

Who is Richard Burr, Really? Why the public can’t trust his voice in the Russia probe


Feb 13th, 2019

Human Rights, Deprivation of Life and National Security: Q&A with Christof Heyns and Yuval Shany on General Comment 36

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Feb 4th, 2019

How Did Roger Stone Know What the President Told Mueller?


Jan 26th, 2019

Why It May Not Matter If BuzzFeed Got It Wrong: “Encouraging” Perjury is Also a Crime


Jan 21st, 2019

Why Trump’s Directing Cohen, Others to Lie Would Be Far Worse Than Watergate


Jan 18th, 2019

Welcome Tess Bridgeman as Senior Editor of Just Security

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Jan 2nd, 2019

Flynn’s Work as Turkey’s Agent While a Transition Official: Judge Sullivan Was at Least Half Right


Dec 20th, 2018

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