Camille Gear Rich

Camille Gear Rich is a Professor of Law and Sociology at USC Gould School of Law. Her research and teaching interests include constitutional law, feminist legal theory, family law, children and the law, and the First Amendment. She is the founder and Director of PRISM: The USC Initiative for the Study of Race, Gender, Sexuality, and the Law. Rich is widely known for her research on race and gender discrimination and identity-formation issues related to race, class, gender, and sexuality. Notable publications include Reclaiming the Welfare Queen: Feminist and Critical Race Theory Alternatives to Existing Anti-Poverty Discourse and Elective Race: Identifying Race Discrimination in the Era of Racial Self Identification. Rich was a visiting professor at Stanford Law School in Winter/Spring of 2017 and will be a visiting professor at Yale Law School in Spring 2019. She is working on a book on race relations in the Trump era.

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