Monique Clesca
Guest Author
Monique Clesca (@moniclesca) is a journalist and international consultant. A feminist, pro-democracy, social justice activist, she is also a member of Haiti Think Tank and the civil society-formed Commission to Search for a Haitian Solution to the Crisis.
Ms. Clesca previously served as Representative of the United Nations Population Fund in Niger, after serving in New York as the fund’s Regional Adviser for Africa and as the Regional Advocacy and Communication Adviser for 22 southern African countries. She also served as an advocacy and communications officer for UNICEF Haiti.
Ms. Clesca’s writing has appeared in major Haitian and U.S. newspapers and magazines, including Foreign Affairs, Americas Quarterly, The New York Times, The Miami Herald, Huffington Post, Le Nouvelliste, and AyiboPost. She has authored two books — a novel, “La Confession,” and a compilation of essays entitled “Mosaiques,” and is currently writing a memoir of her childhood under the Duvalier dictatorship. She received a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Howard University and a Master’s degree in Journalism from the Medill School of Journalism of Northwestern University.