Marc Canellas
Guest Author
Marc Canellas (@Marc_Canellas) is a contributing election technology and policy analyst for the non-profit OSET Institute Inc. and a voting member of IEEE-USA’s Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems Policy Committee. He is a first-year law student at NYU School of Law as a Cybersecurity Service Scholar and Jacobson Law and Business Scholar. After earning his Ph.D. in aerospace engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, he served as an IEEE/AAAS Congressional Science and Technology Policy Fellow in the office of Rep. Derek Kilmer (WA-6), where his portfolio included cybersecurity, aerospace, and science and technology policy. He has published extensively on decision support system design and governing human-automated systems in technical journals including IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems and the Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, and in legal and technology policy outlets such as IEEE Technology and Society Magazine and WeRobot.