Rebecca Bratspies
Guest Author
Rebecca Bratspies is a Professor at CUNY School of Law and Director of the Center for Urban Environmental Reform. An internationally-recognized expert on environmental law, Professor Bratspies has written scores of law review articles, op-eds, and other publications. Her most recent book is Environmental Justice: Law Policy and Regulation. Bratspies is as an appointed member of New York City’s Environmental Justice Advisory Panel, and of EPA’s Children’s Health Protection Advisory Committee. She is a member-scholar with the Center for Progressive Reform, a core member of the Global Network for the Study of Human Rights and the Environment, and an editorial board member of the International Journal of Law in Context. She is a past member of the ABA Standing Committee on Environmental Law, Past-President of the AALS Section on the Environment, and a former advisor to the Consultative Group on Agricultural Research. A former Luce Scholar and law clerk to Judge C. Arlen Beam, she holds degrees from Wesleyan University (Biology) and the University of Pennsylvania (J.D cum laude). Her environmentally-themed comic books Mayah’s Lot and Bina’s Plant bring environmental literacy to a new generation of environmental leaders.