Alka Pradhan
Guest Author
Alka Pradhan (pradhanalka) is Human Rights Counsel at the Guantanamo Bay Military Commissions, representing Ammar al Baluchi in United States v. Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, et. al. (the “9/11 case”). She was previously Counter-Terrorism Counsel at Reprieve US, where she represented a number of Guantanamo Bay detainees in litigation involving habeas corpus claims and conditions of detention. She also conducted advocacy and litigation on behalf of civilian victims of the targeted killing (drone) program in Yemen and Pakistan; and has successfully represented asylum-seekers in New York. Ms. Pradhan is a drafting expert for the forthcoming Universal Protocol on Investigative Interviewing, and the National Security Expert for the IBA’s Human Rights Law Committee. She teaches International Human Rights and National Security at Penn Law School. She is also on LinkedIn.
Articles by this author:
US Regresses on Torture and Guantanamo at Treaty Review
by Alka Pradhan and Scott Roehm
Oct 26th, 2023