(Editor’s note: This article, originally published on June 6, 2022 and updated previously, is now updated to add new instances of eliminationist rhetoric, including by Putin; Medvedev; Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova; political scientist Rostislav Ishchenko; and more. New material since the previous update of April 18, 2024 is noted in red as “New” or “Updated.” Попередня версія цієї статті доступна українською тут. Слідкуйте за оновленим перекладом найближчим часом.)

Long before Russian President Vladimir Putin’s full-scale assault on Ukraine in February 2022 and even prior to his 2014 invasion and capture of Crimea, analysts noted with alarm a different kind of escalation – the threatening rhetoric against Ukraine by Putin and actors within his control. Dating at least to 2008 or 2009, increasingly hostile language laid the groundwork for rejecting Ukraine’s existence as a state, a national group, and a culture.

What follows below is a compilation of publicly available statements (readers are invited to submit by email any that we may have missed).

Experts such as Francine Hirsch, a professor of history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and author of “Soviet Judgment at Nuremberg,” have pointed to such language as evidence of genocidal intent toward the Ukrainian people. Whether and how the concept of “genocide” applies to Russia’s campaign against Ukraine is the subject of debate, notwithstanding the reference in Article II of the Genocide Convention to “the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group, as such.” A related issue under discussion is a concept often referred to as “cultural genocide,” which generally connotes the intentional destruction of a group’s identity even in the absence of mass killings. “These calls for ‘de-Ukrainization’ are an incitement to genocide: to ‘destroy, in whole or in part,’ the Ukrainian nation,” Hirsch wrote in April 2022. And Yale University history professor Timothy Snyder, in reference to the same article in the Russian outlet RIA Novosti that prompted Hirsch’s conclusion, wrote, “Russia has just issued a genocide handbook for its war on Ukraine.”

Beth Van Schaack, U.S. ambassador-at-large for global criminal justice, said in a May 2022 hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in response to a question about the Russian atrocities coming to light in Ukraine, “Some of the genocidal rhetoric that we’re hearing out of Russia is extremely worrying.”

A May 2022 report from the New Lines Institute and the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights concluded that “Russia bears State responsibility for breaches of Article II and Article III (c) of the Genocide Convention,” and “that that there exists undoubtedly a very serious risk of genocide, triggering States’ duty to prevent under Article I of the Genocide Convention.” Among the evidence the report cites is a range of statements that it says constitute “direct and public incitement to commit genocide,” including denying the existence of a Ukrainian identity; accusing Ukraine, contrary to evidence, of committing the very kinds of atrocities that Russia is or envisions committing; and dehumanizing rhetoric.

While analysis of Putin and Russian rhetoric has been extensive, it can make for a fragmented picture of the trend, with selections from relevant passages scattered across articles, social media, books, audio, and video. The following compilation seeks to collect examples of these statements in one place. They are organized in chronological order and necessarily non-exhaustive, since such declarations occur at high frequency in various media controlled by the Russian government, as expert monitors of Russian media such as Julia Davis and Francis Scarr have found.

The statements range from formal presidential addresses and articles by Putin and other officials to commentary on Russian state television and on social media. Sources include (but are not limited to) news articles; books; the Kremlin’s online repository of speeches and addresses; Russian state-controlled news agencies, including RIA Novosti and Kommersant; and posts on Twitter and Telegram.

This compilation, in chronological order, focuses on key words, phrases, and/or themes that appear to express intent on the part of the Russian government to eliminate Ukraine or Ukrainians as a nation-state, people, or culture. Recurring concepts include the notion of historical Russian and Ukrainian unity, denial of the Ukrainian nation, and the conceptualization of “Ukrainianism” as a fascist threat to Russian sovereignty. As the war progresses, it is vital to track these statements of intent for use by analysts, diplomats, policymakers, prosecutors, and more.

With thanks to Maksym Vishchyk for contributing updates for this list.

(Readers may also be interested in Compilation of Countries’ Statements Calling Russian Actions in Ukraine “Genocide” by Elizabeth Whatcott.)

Russian President Vladimir Putin in reported comment to U.S. President George W. Bush – The NATO bloc broke up into blocking packages – Kommersant (April 7, 2008)
  • “You don’t understand, George, that Ukraine is not even a state. What is Ukraine? Part of its territories is Eastern Europe, but the greater part is a gift from us.” (Reported based on anonymous source as a Putin comment to Bush during the NATO Summit in Bucharest, Romania; reported in English on May 25, 2009, in Time Magazine. Neither that nor subsequent references identified to date indicated any effort to corroborate, and some analysts cast doubt on whether Putin made the comment. Some references translated “state” as “country,” which would be a more likely meaning, as in a sovereign State.)
Putin – “Putin to the West: Hands off Ukraine” – Time Magazine (May 25, 2009)
  • Relations between “Big Russia and Little Russia — Ukraine…have always been the business of Russia itself.”
Putin – “Russia: The Ethnicity Issue” – Nezavisimaya Gazeta (January 23, 2012), (alternative translation by Russian site Top War)
  • Russia, with its diverse set of languages, traditions, and cultures, has an “ethnicity issue” that is “without any doubt a fundamental one.”
  • Multiculturalism “denies integration through assimilation” whilst making the “‘minorities right to be distinct’ absolute.” However, it “does little to balance this with public, behavioral or cultural commitments to the population and society as a whole.
  • Russia is a “type of state civilization where there are no ethnicities, but where ‘belonging’ is determined by a common culture and shared values.” This common culture is reliant upon “preserving the dominance of Russian culture,” which “hostile forces” have tried to break.
    • Analysis: Russia’s unity is reliant upon “the absorption by the leader – first his ideas and then presumably in his acts – of all of these other groups. I was about to say national minorities, but that would have been wrong because, in Putin’s mind, and in [Ivan] Ilyn’s mind for that matter, there are no national minorities. Ilyn [a Russian fascist philosopher and source of ideological inspiration for Putin] was very clear that anyone who uses the phrase ‘national minority’ is attacking Russia.” – Snyder
  • “Subtle cultural therapy” is recommended for Russia, a “a country where, for many, the civil war never really ended and where the past is highly politicized.”
  • The organization of regional parties is a “direct path to separatism.” Those who “attempt to lean towards nationalist, separatist, or other similar forces or influences should be restricted from the electoral process through democratic or court procedures.”
  • Russia and Ukraine have “lived together for many centuries. Together [they] were victorious in the most terrible of wars. And [they] will continue to exist side by side. To those who want and try to divide [Russia and Ukraine], I say – in your dreams.”
    • Analysis: When Putin discusses Ukrainians in this vision, “he doesn’t mention the existence of the Ukrainian state; that’s irrelevant. All he mentions is that Ukrainians are a kind of fragment scattered across this broad expanse… This fragment will only be made whole insofar and as it is absorbed into this larger Russian civilization.” Putin also elaborates upon this notion of Russia as a whole civilization in a fascist manner. The “contours, the limits of that civilization are defined by the leader himself.” And, If Russia is divided, “it is the fault of others, who must be threatened and deterred.” – Snyder
Putin – “Address by President of the Russian Federation” – Kremlin website (March 18, 2014)
  • Crimea is “an inseparable part of Russia” that reflects Russia and the region’s “shared history and pride.”
  • “When Crimea ended up as part of a different country,” Russia realized that “it was not simply robbed, it was plundered.”
  • Russians had been deprived of their “historical memory, even of their language and to subject them to forced assimilation.”
  • Ukraine has “no legitimate executive authority now, nobody to talk to. Many government agencies have been taken over by the imposters, but they do not have any control in the country,” and they themselves are “often controlled by radicals.”
Then-Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev quoted in a conversation with an industry watchdog official – “Russian Prime Minister: Ukraine Has ‘No Industry, or State” (April 5, 2016)
  • There is “neither industry, nor a state there” in Ukraine. In 2013, there was “industry there, but there was no state even then.”
Russian economist and pundit Mikhail Khazin remarks – “They need to be partially eliminated” – YouTube video (December 27, 2016)
  • Ukraine has “several million people [not loyal to Russia]” who “need to be partially eliminated and partially squeezed out.”
  • “New Russia,” or the territories from Kharkov, Odessa, Zaporozhye, and Dnepropetrovsk, “should be joined to the Russian regions, with full denazification, deukrainization.”
  • Russia should institute a “complete ban on Ukrainian fonts, Ukrainian texts, programs on [the] Ukrainian language, on teaching Ukrainian – ie completely.
  • These implementations will cause a “surplus population – let the surplus population go to the [Russian] Far East.”
Former Putin aide Vladislav Surkov in Q&A – Surkov: “I’m Interested in Acting Against Reality” – Actual Comments website (February 26, 2020)
  • Surkov’s “vanity is forever satisfied by the fact that [he] put [his] hand and head into the building of a new Russian state.”
  • There is “no Ukraine,” although there is “Ukrainianism” – a “specific mental disorder. Surprisingly brought to the extreme degree passion for ethnography. Such bloody lore. Muddle instead of the state. There is borscht, Bandera, bandura. But there is no nation.”
  • Donbass “does not deserve such humiliation” of returning to Ukraine. Ukraine “does not deserve such honor.”
Putin – “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians” – Kremlin (July 12, 2021)
  • The incorporation of “western Russian lands into the single state” was the product of “common faith, shared cultural traditions, and – I would like to emphasize it once again – language similarity.”
  • There is “no historical basis” for the “idea of Ukrainian people as a nation separate from the Russians.”
  • Ukrainization was “often imposed on those who did not see themselves as Ukrainians.”
  • Modern Ukraine is “entirely the product of the Soviet era” shaped on the “lands of historical Russia.” Hence, Russia “was robbed.”
  • Ukraine’s leaders “began to mythologize and rewrite history, edit out everything that united [Russia and Ukraine], and refer to the period when Ukraine was part of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union as an occupation.”
  • The “slogans, ideology, and blatant aggressive Russophobia” of “radical nationalist groups” have become “defining elements of state policy in Ukraine.
  • Ukraine “peddle[s] Russophobia” and prefers to “exploit the image of the ‘victim of external aggression.’”
  • Russia and Ukraine together have “always been and will be many times stronger and more successful. For [they] are one people.”
Medvedev op-ed – “Why Contacts with the Current Ukrainian Leadership are Meaningless” – Kommersant (October 11, 2021)
  • Ukrainian leaders are “people who do not have any stable self-identification. Who are they, what country are they citizens of, what is their historical identity, ethnic component, what gods do they pray to?”
  • There are “no fools to fight for Ukraine. And it is pointless for [Russia] to deal with vassals. Business must be done with the suzerain.”
Putin in press conference (February 8, 2022) and in official remarks (February 21, 2022) – An Independent Legal Analysis of the Russian Federation’s Breaches of the Genocide Convention in Ukraine and the Duty to Prevent – Newlines Institute for Strategy and Policy
  • “‘Like it or not, take it, my beauty’” references a “vulgar Russian rhyme about necrophiliac rape, implying an intention to inflict similar destruction on Ukraine and a view of Ukraine as a corpse.”
  • Modern Ukraine is considered to be “entirely created by Russia or, to be more precise, by Bolshevik, Communist Russia.”
  • Russia is “ready to show what real decommunization would mean for Ukraine.”
Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov – Telegram posts by Kadyrov – Telegram (Feb. 21, 2022 – May 30, 2023)
  • “All of today’s Ukraine at one time did not even dream of those territories that were given to it with one stroke of the pen by the Bolsheviks. Without those broad reckless gestures, she, as a country, would not have represented anything from the beginning… Sooner or later everything returns to its native freedom. So it was with the Crimea. Donetsk and Luhansk did not take root either. I think this is not the limit.” (Feb. 21, 2022)
  • “Chechen fighters take an active part in a special operation to cleanse Ukraine from Bandera, nationalists and terrorists.” (March 8, 2022)
  • “Very soon, these brave [Russian] warriors will erase this vile, vile phenomenon called “nationalism” from the pages of Ukrainian history.” (March 19, 2022)
  • “I do not envy the fate of the Bandera dogs, because their sad fate is already a foregone conclusion by our valiant warriors. My dear brothers… intend to excise this hated Nazi tumor. Very soon, the hands of Chechen fighters will bring final peace and order throughout Ukraine. They intend to personally behead all the shaitans hiding behind thick walls, or, what is even more vile for civilians.” (using the Islamic term “shaitans for devils, or Satan. March 24, 2022)
  • “The Kyiv authorities have chosen a path doomed to death. Having once chosen the side of outright Western criminals, the entire Ukronazi trash forever crossed out the possibility of peaceful coexistence in a religious and civilized society.” (March 24, 2022)
  • “The Nazis once again demonstrate their true essence, the essence of rodent pests.” (April 2, 2022)
  • Russian forces “are conducting cleansing operations from the surviving Bandera rabble, Nazis and shaitans.” (April 13, 2022)
  • “With such motivation and fighting spirit, we simply do not have the right to leave a single nationalist and Banderist on Ukraine soil.” (April 26, 2022)
  • For eight years, Donbass “was oppressed by non-humans from gangs of Ukraine.” (May 19, 2022)
  • “I am convinced that Russian President Vladimir Putin made the only right decision, ordering to destroy the American chimera in its very embryo in Ukraine.” (June 26, 2022)
  • “This is exactly how the purge of the entire Luhansk People’s Republic took place – competently, quickly and accurately.” (July 10, 2022)
  • “Europeans, Ukrainians, wake up! Save your gene pool, not Zelensky’s status.” (July 24, 2022)
  • “It cost us a lot of effort to squeeze out of our lands this abomination that has bred at the suggestion of the same West.” (August 3, 2022)
  • “Now, even if one bullet flies towards Russia, it is necessary not only to hit the decision-making centers, but to wipe them off the face of the earth so that there is no wet place left from this fascist-Bandera junta. I think so – the fish rots from the head, so you have to start from the top.” (Oct. 19, 2022)
  • “We will do our best to ensure that these dogs of hell get what they deserve, and those who somehow managed to escape punishment are doomed to live the rest of their miserable life, turning around anxiously. They don’t deserve any rights or accepted norms.” (Nov. 19, 2022)
  • “The result of the special operation for us is the complete destruction of the manifestations of Satanism: shaitans, Bandera, Nazis. There are many definitions for them, but the essence is always the same. Their true essence is the lack of humanity, moral principles, the spread of evil spirits. Therefore, for us they are Satanists.” (Nov. 26, 2022)
  • “Our ancestors fought for religion, for the right to pray, to build mosques, to adhere to their spiritual and moral values … Today, in the zone of the special military operation, our brothers are defending this right, defending the Motherland from the satanic invasion, which wants to instill destructive ideas and values that are alien to us and destructive.” (Feb. 17, 2023)
  • “Today, Russia alone is fighting not only the neo-Nazi regime in Kyiv. Under the guise of Ukraine and its gene pool, the entire NATO block, the European Union is fighting against us, supplying weapons, ammunition, equipment, and mercenaries.” (March 13, 2023)
  • “I will not confine myself to a dry condemnation of the act of the Ukrainian evil spirits, which recently burned the pages of the Holy Quran … For the elimination of this scum, I announce a reward of 5 million rubles.” (March 17, 2023)
  • “Today, the Donetsk People’s Republic is an integral part of Russia, its full subject. Exactly nine years ago, the inhabitants of the DPR determined their future fate. They firmly decided that they would steadily move towards their historical homeland – Russia.” (May 11, 2023)
  • We will crush these evil spirits like annoying bugs. We will become a wall, protecting our great Motherland, which honors the traditions of the peoples, protects their spiritual values.” (May 23, 2023)
  • “The Kiev Nazi leadership makes decisions that more and more leave no doubt that they are using terrorist methods and, therefore, are terrorists. We need to use this completely appropriate term along with the terms ‘Nazi’ and ‘Satanist.’ For me, it is so necessary to declare martial law in Russia, to use all the combat resources intended for this, in order to sweep away this entire terrorist cell at once, without resorting to the wording ‘Ukrainian military.’ There are no military and politicians in Ukraine – only terrorists.” (May 30, 2023)
Putin declaring Russia’s full-scale assault on Ukraine – “Putin Orders ‘Special Military Operation’ for Ukraine” – Bloomberg News (February 24, 2022)
  • The special military operation’s goal is “the protection of people who during eight years, suffer from abuse and genocide from the Kyiv regime.”
  • Whoever tries to stop Russia and “further create threats to [Russia’s] country, to [the Russian] people, should know that Russia’s response will be immediate and lead [them] to such consequences that [they] have never faced in [their] history.”
Head of the Duma Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutsky – Telegram posts by Slutsky – Telegram (Feb. 24, 2022 – Feb. 22, 2024)
  • “Considering that Washington and Brussels have rejected Russian proposals on global security issues, and Kiev has been refusing to implement the Minsk agreements for 8 years, the demilitarization of Ukraine is the only way left… [Russia and Ukraine] is one people. Think about [their] shared history. [They] have common victories. One culture, one faith.” (Feb. 24, 2022)
  • “Today in Ukraine there is not only a special operation of the RF Armed Forces for liberation from neo-Nazism. In fact, this is the culmination of a fierce civilizational battle unleashed not by us. But the price of victory in it now is salvation from the destruction of the entire Russian world.” (May 7, 2022)
  • “All of this once again demonstrates that Russia’s special operation in Ukraine must be brought to an end. This is a question of the survival of the Russian world and Russian civilization.” (July 17, 2022)
  • “The decision to conduct the SVO [special military operation] was the only correct one. Russia is saving the Donbass from the genocide and terror of the Nazi regime, which is far from being controlled in Kyiv… Holding referendums on joining Russia in the LPR and DPR, as well as in the liberated territories of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, all subsequent steps (we have no doubt what they will be), the decree on partial mobilization is the way to preserve our common fatherland.” (Sept. 21, 2022)
  • “This is the harsh truth. Until the last Ukrainian, so until the last Ukrainian.” (Sept. 30, 2022)
  • “These are the non-humans that the Ukrainian Maidan spawned. Religion in Ukraine is replaced by them with false faith and sectarianism, and the junta itself is first replaced by them.” (Dec. 12, 2022)
  • “The fate of the Zelensky junta, no matter how Western magazines give him the title of man of the year, is no more enviable than the fate of ordinary traitors. The sale of national interests and the extermination of their people in the war of the West against Russia to the ‘last Ukrainian’ may very well end up with a ‘Not Found’ answer to a search query about Ukraine in the future.” (Dec. 26, 2022)
  • “The Kyiv regime finally seems to have lost the last remnants of sanity. But what is wrong with European capitals? Are you ready to be erased too?” (Jan. 23, 2023)
  • Ukraine celebrates its independence day. What does Kiev mean today in this concept, what kind of “independence” – from whom and from what – is it celebrating? And what exactly is its Ukrainian version? The propaganda response of the Kyiv regime, whether headed by Zelensky or Poroshenko, is quite obvious. After the 2014 coup, under the supervision of the collective West, all ties of cooperation with Russia were demonstratively severed, neo-Nazism actually became the state ideology, and the bloody executioners and accomplices of the Nazis were elevated to the rank of national heroes. And for what? In order to voluntarily become a new American vassal? The ‘dependence’ (literally and figuratively) of the Kyiv regime was the beginning of the loss of state sovereignty and provoked an armed conflict, suffering and death. It turned the country’s territory into a theater of military operations and created threats not only to European but also to global security. She deprived millions of Ukrainians of their homes, forced to flee abroad from the madness of the ukrofuhrer. Today there is no state more controlled from the outside in all respects – political, economic, military (!) – than “free Ukraine”. This is independence in Ukrainian style.” (Aug. 24, 2023)
  • “In such conditions, carrying out SVO is an effective vaccine against the slide towards a new epidemic of the “brown plague.” The goals of denazification of Ukraine must be fully achieved.” (Dec. 20, 2023)
  • “We do not refuse negotiations today, but subject to the main condition – the elimination of the neo-Nazi threat and guarantees of security for Russians. This means denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine, its neutral status and recognition of the choice of the people of Novorossiya to be together with Russia. Zelensky’s so-called “peace plan” with its essentially demand for capitulation and betrayal of citizens who have become ours in the new (or rather, old) Russian territories is not being considered – it should definitely be scrapped.” (Dec. 27, 2023)
  • “Russia, as you know, does not start war, Russia is ending war. Victory is inevitable, as is the capitulation of the Kiev junta. The goals of the SVO on the denazification and demilitarization of the Ukro-fascists must be achieved – and as soon as possible. Banderov Ukraine will become “the grave” of the West. The hegemony.” (Feb. 22, 2024)
  • The inevitable victory of Russia in the SVO will be a crushing defeat in the proxy war to the last Ukrainian.” (Feb. 22, 2024)
Russian victory declaration, accidentally published – “The Offensive of Russia and the New World” – RIA Novosti (February 26, 2022, since deleted)
  • There will be no more Ukraine as anti-Russia.”
  • Vladimir Putin has asserted a “historic responsibility by deciding not to leave the solution of the Ukrainian question to future generations.”
  • Ukraine’s return to Russia will not mean its statehood’s “liquidation”; instead, Ukraine will be “reorganized, re-established and returned to its natural state of part of the Russian world.”
    • Analysis: This victory declaration “made it clear that Russia’s aim in this war was to destroy the Ukrainian state, destroy the Ukrainian nation, and then leave the remaining populace as a kind of unformed mass that could be colonized in any way the Russian leadership desired.” – Snyder
  • This war is a “response to the geopolitical expansion of the Atlanticists, this is Russia’s return of its historical space and its place in the world.”
UPDATED Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin – Telegram posts by Volodin – Telegram (March 15, 2022 – May 26, 2024)
  • “In the end, everyone should come to the realization that we have one country, and we are obliged to defend it. And there shouldn’t be another!” (March 15, 2022)
  • Ukraine has lost its sovereignty and is on the verge of self-disintegration.” (July 21, 2022)
  • “If the attacks by the Kyiv regime continue, the response will be even tougher. All organizers and perpetrators of terrorist attacks must be found. Those who resist are destroyed.” (Oct. 13, 2022)
  • Ukraine “began to destroy their native culture, which cannot be divided into Russian and Ukrainian – it, like faith, we have in common.” (Feb. 19, 2023)
  • “There can be no negotiations with the Zelensky regime. We will demand the use of weapons capable of stopping and destroying the Kiev terrorist regime.” (May 3, 2023)
  • “Zelensky committed a vile act towards those who gave their lives for the liberation of the world from fascism, towards those who today can no longer defend themselves. Having handed over the Ukrainians as expendable material to NATO, the Kiev bloody regime destroyed the national culture, trampled on faith, banned the Russian language, which was and is being spoken by the majority of the population, and is now rewriting history. Ukraine became a US colony. There can be no future for a state where the deeds and memories of grandfathers and great-grandfathers, heroes, thanks to whom we live, are not honored… Do everything so that the followers of Nazism are destroyed!” (May 9, 2023)
  • A country loses sovereignty if it abandons its history, language, faith, culture and traditions. Zelensky caused irreparable damage to Ukraine in these matters.” (July 1, 2023)
  • “Traditional, true values ​​for Ukrainians have been trampled underfoot. History has been rewritten, faith has been betrayed, and Russian, the native language of many Ukrainian citizens, has been banned. Instead, European pseudo-values ​​are being propagated, LGBT people are being promoted, and drugs are being legalized. The beautiful slogans of the Maidan and the cookies of the US State Department turned out to be a deception of the Ukrainian people. The puppet Kiev regime has led the country to a dead end. Ukrainians were deprived of their future by betraying national interests and selling their sovereignty to Washington.” (Nov. 20, 2023)
  • Ukraine has ceased to exist as a rule of law since 2014. Ten years ago, Washington and Brussels with the hands of the Nazis in Kiev conducted a bloody coup d’etat. The leadership positions were occupied by bandits and Nazis. And those who disagreed with this, threw behind bars, killed, burned alive.” (May 26, 2024)
UPDATED Medvedev – Telegram posts by Medvedev – Telegram (March 17, 2022 – Aug. 8, 2024)
  • Russia fights for a “world order” in which there is “no place for frostbitten Nazis, historical lies and genocide [against the Russian people].” (March 17, 2022)
  • Negotiations with Ukraine aim to “fix the neutral status of Ukraine, its demilitarization, the rejection of the use of Nazi ideological laws that were adopted in this country. Well, and a number of positions that the Russian Federation considers to be most important.” (March 26, 2022)
  • Deep Ukrainianism” is a fictional concept “fueled by anti-Russian poison and an all-consuming lie about its identity, is one big fake. This phenomenon has never happened in history. And it doesn’t exist now.” (April 5, 2022)
  • Ukraine will “suffer its own fate” after having “mentally transformed into the Third Reich, having written down the names of Jews and Nazi henchmen into history books. This is its path, of such Ukraine.” (April 5, 2022)
  • Russia’s “most important goal” is to “change the bloody and full of false myths consciousness of a part of today’s Ukrainians.” (April 5, 2022)
  • “History will put everything in its place and show which side the truth is on. Who became the custodian of true Christian values, protecting them from atheists, bandits, and nationalists.” (April 27, 2022)
  • “Zelensky has no other way to stay in office. If, of course, the position itself remains.” (May 3, 2022)
  • “I am often asked why my Telegram posts are so harsh. The answer is I hate them. They are bastards and geeks. They want death for us, Russia. And as long as I’m alive, I will do everything to make them disappear.” (June 7, 2022)
  • “I saw a message that Ukraine, under Lend-Lease, wants to receive SPG-9 from its overseas owners with payment for delivery in 2 years. Otherwise, next winter it will simply freeze. Just a question. And who said that in two years Ukraine will even exist on the world map?” (June 15, 2022)
  • Putin’s special military operation aims to “protect the citizens of Donbass and to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine. Everything is clear here, and they will be achieved.” (July 9, 2022)
  • “As a result of Western involvement, “Ukraine may lose the remnants of state sovereignty and disappear from the world map” and “Ukrainian criminals will definitely be tried for the atrocities committed against the people of Ukraine and Russia (July 21, 2022)
  • “The Ukrainian state in its current configuration with the Nazi political regime will pose a constant, direct and clear threat to Russia. Therefore, in addition to protecting our people and protecting the borders of the country, the goal of our future actions, in my opinion, should be the complete dismantling of the political regime of Ukraine.” (Oct. 10, 2022)
  • “Here, various cockroaches that have bred in the Kiev insectarium constantly threaten to ‘return the Crimea.’ Well, the goals are clear: to cheer up the tame insects around and show the owner of the insectarium that they are still very capable of running cockroaches for a piece of food. Almost like a cockroach – favorite Janissaries in the play of the famous Kyivian Mikhail Bulgakov ‘Running.’ Therefore, I want to remind them of indisputable facts:
    • “Kiev is the capital of Ancient Russia.
    • “Kyiv is a large Little Russian city within the Russian Empire.
    • “Kyiv is the republican capital of the USSR.
    • “And finally, Kyiv is just a Russian city where people always thought and spoke Russian. To make everything very clear what and how to return…” (Nov. 20, 2022)
  • Pseudo-Ukrainian rabid mongrels with Russian surnames, choking on their toxic saliva, declare that their enemy is located within the borders of Russia, from the West to Vladivostok. Rabies has no cure.” (Dec. 11, 2022)
  • “The termination of life, or death, of the former state will be accompanied by insane laughter, indecent antics and vile clown antics of the Nazi gang, completely crazy from the abundance of blood and drugs. And the deathly silence of Western doctors, looking with cold contempt at the agony of their own tortured patient…” (Feb. 3, 2023)
  • “It is so important to achieve all the goals of a special military operation. Push the borders of threats to our country as far as possible, even if these are the borders of Poland. Destroy neo-Nazism to the ground. In order not to waste time later on catching the remnants of Bandera gangs in the Little Russian forests. So that the world will find long-awaited peace.” (Feb. 24, 2023)
  • “Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that Ukraine is financially a non-existent country. As soon as funding from the US and Europe ends, the war will end. Well done, boldly and accurately for a European politician. One can only add that as soon as Western funding ends, Ukraine itself will end. She doesn’t need anyone.” (April 14, 2023)
  • “The Kyiv dog continues to bark. Saliva flows down the hairy muzzle so that the owners see his fighting qualities… Do not underestimate even delusional performances. It is also a hysterical manifesto of the Kiev regime in order to consolidate the Nazi elite, maintain the morale of the troops and receive new support from their sponsors. And the answer to it can only be this:
    • Massive destruction of personnel and military equipment used by the Nazi regime during the counteroffensive, with the infliction of the maximum military defeat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
    • The complete defeat of the enemy and the final overthrow of the Nazi regime in Kiev with its complete demilitarization throughout the Ukraine.
    • The implementation of acts of retribution against key figures of the Nazi regime, regardless of their location and without statute of limitations.” (April 29, 2023)
  • “Our main task is … to inflict a devastating defeat on all enemies – the Ukronazis, the United States, their minions in NATO, including vile Poland, and other Western nits. We must finally return our lands.” (May 1, 2023)
  • “After today’s terrorist attack, there are no options left except for the physical elimination of Zelensky and his cabal. It is not even needed to sign the act of unconditional surrender. Hitler, as you know, did not sign it either.” (May 3, 2023)
  • “Now is the time to say how Ukraine will disappear, as well as what is the risk of renewed conflict in Europe and in the world. This will depend on which path the process of disintegration of this dying state will follow as a result of a lost military conflict. There are two of them. Or the path of relatively slow erosion of Ukrainian statehood with the gradual loss of the remaining elements of state sovereignty. Or the path of its instant collapse with the simultaneous annihilation of all signs of statehood.” (May 25, 2023)
  • “We do not need Ukraine in NATO. In any case, as long as at least a stump of this state is preserved in its current form. Consequently, for Nazi Ukraine, the conflict will be permanent. And the new political regime in Kiev (if it exists at all) will definitely not be asked for in NATO.” (June 16, 2023)
  • “The Ukrainian junta keeps saying that the condition for negotiations is access to some of their 1991 borders. These are the borders of the regions of Russia and once the provinces of the Russian Empire, and not the mythical Ukraine. Ukraine is the Land of Sannikov, founded by Lenin. It didn’t last long and disappeared from the map. There is no such land. Whatever they think in the West and in the occupied Russian city of Kyiv.” (July 2, 2023)
  • “The special military operation will continue with the same goals. One of them: refusal of the Kiev Nazi group from membership in NATO, which we insisted on from the very beginning (which is impossible). This means that this group will have to be eliminated (which is possible and necessary).” (July 11, 2023)
  • We must not stop until the current inherently terrorist Ukrainian state is completely dismantled. It must be destroyed completely. Or rather, so that not even ashes remain from it. So that this abomination can never, under any circumstances, be reborn… This is the only way — the complete disposal of the state machine of a hostile country and absolute guarantees of loyalty for the future.” (Aug. 19, 2023)
  • “Judging by simple arithmetic, this ‘country’ [of Ukraine] had a mythical past, a sad present and no future… The decay vector is clearly visible. With so many people abandoning their state, the Kyiv regime and its ‘Ukraine’ will soon have nothing to support themselves, let alone fight. Therefore, the most noticeable number in Ukrainian reports will be the number 404. Computer error code: people fled, country not found.” (Aug. 31, 2023)
  • “Today is the Day of reunification of new regions with Russia. A year ago, at referendums, their residents made a fateful decision – to be with their Fatherland. This choice became a symbol not only of the restoration of historical justice, but also of the unity of the Russian people, their colossal will and dedication. The special military operation will continue until the Nazi Kyiv regime is completely destroyed and the original Russian territories are liberated from the enemy. Victory will be ours. And there will be more new regions within Russia.” (Sept. 30, 2023)
  • “We must admit that Odessa, Nikolaev, Kyiv, and practically everything else is not Ukraine at all. After this, there are only three steps before admitting the obvious:
    • Zelensky, who does not go to the polls, is NOT the president, but a usurper.
    • The Ukrainian language is NOT a language, but a surzhik [Ukrainian-Russian pidgin language].
    • Ukraine is NOT a country, but artificially collected territories.” (Nov. 12, 2023)
  • “That’s all. The masks have finally been dropped. The Rada canceled the presidential elections. After all, while there is a war going on until the last Ukrainian, there are no elections, there are Zelensky ones… Hence the hysteria of the cocaine clown with the aim of refusing to elect a president of the still existing country 404. However, every cloud has a silver lining. After all, the bottom line is that such a ‘Ukraine’ will not have a  ‘president,’ nor will such a ‘president’ have a ‘Ukraine.’” (Nov. 23, 2023)
  • “What about negotiations in 2024? Everything is quite obvious.
    • 1. The special operation will continue, its goal will remain the disarmament of Ukrainian troops and the rejection of the current Ukrainian state from the ideology of neo-Nazism.
    • 2. The removal of the ruling Bandera regime is clearly not declared, but the most important and inevitable goal that must and will be achieved.
    • 3. Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Nikolaev, Kyiv are Russian cities, like many other temporarily occupied ones. All of them are still marked in yellow-blue on paper maps and on electronic tablets.
    • And so – yes. ‘Negotiations’ are, of course, possible. Russia has never rejected them, unlike the crazy Ukrainian authorities. Such ‘negotiations’ are not limited by time. They can continue until the complete defeat and capitulation of the Bandera troops of the North Atlantic Alliance.” (Dec. 28, 2023)
  • “Why Ukraine is dangerous for its residents: The Existence of Ukraine [is] deadly dangerous for the Ukrainians. And I am referring not only to the current state, the Bandera political regime. I’m talking about any Ukraine. Why? Why? The presence of an independent state in the historical Russian territories will now be a constant reason for the resumption of hostilities. It’s late. Whoever stood at the steering of the cancerous neoplasm under the name of Ukraine, this will not add legitimacy to his rule and the legal viability of the country itself. And, therefore, the probability of a new contraction will remain uncertainly long… that is why the existence of Ukraine [is] fatal for Ukrainians.” (Jan. 17, 2024)
  • “The senior Ukrainian drug addict made an unpretentious propaganda move caused by a failure at the front. Having mercilessly blown the double dose, he signed a decree on territorial claims to Russia on the lands historically populated by Ukrainians. There is nothing to comment, because the Ukrainians are Russians, and Malorossia is part of Russia.” (Jan. 22, 2024)
  • “This is not just an operation to return [to] our official territories and punish the Nazis. It is possible and necessary to go to the land of the existing Ukraine. To Odessa, to Kharkiv, to Dnepropetrovsk, to Nikolaev. To Kiev and beyond. There should be no restrictions in the sense of some recognized borders of the Ukrainian reich.” (Aug. 8, 2024)
UPDATED Russian head of occupation authority in Crimea Sergey Aksyonov – Telegram posts by Aksyonov – Telegram (March 29, 2022 – June 7, 2024)
  • Everything that is connected with the common history, culture, spirituality of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples, acts on the demon-possessed Bandera people like incense on devils. Our army liberates the Ukrainian land from evil spirits. The idol of Bandera will be destroyed, and the world will become cleaner and freer.” (March 29, 2022)
  • “Does anyone still have doubts that Russia is freeing the Ukrainian people from absolute evil? It was grown in the ideological laboratories of Western intelligence services, pumped up with hatred and armed to the teeth, its goal is the destruction of our common values, everything that is dear to us. Therefore, only demilitarization, denazification and the trial of Nazi criminals. Therefore – only victory!” (March 30, 2022)
  • “It is necessary to destroy the Nazi reptile in its Kiev nest. We must go to the end. Like in `45.” (April 14, 2022)
  • “We understand that in the person of this regime we are dealing not only with an anti-Russian, but also with an anti-Christian force. In other words, with Satanists. Nazism, paganism, the occult and Satanism have always gone hand in hand – this was the case in the Third Reich, this is happening today in Ukraine… After liberation, Ukraine will need not only denazification, but also serious spiritual ‘treatment.’ Not only a new Nuremberg, but also, figuratively speaking, baptism in the waters of the Dnieper.” (April 18, 2022)
  • “Those war criminals who survive the process of demilitarization and denazification must be tried and executed publicly. How our grandfathers and great-grandfathers executed the Bandera bastard.” (April 22, 2022)
  • The “Ukrainian Nazis” face two outcomes: “crawling on their knees into captivity and then under the tribunal or into hell. There are no other scenarios for them and cannot be.” (April 26, 2022)
  • “The Ukrainian government is confidently leading the country along the path of Nazi Germany, to spiritual, cultural and political suicide. Russian classics, which make up a significant part of world culture, are being sacrificed to bestial Russophobia. The nature of this hatred is understandable: the very existence of the Russian world and everything connected with it is death for Ukrainian Nazism, the virus of which was grown in Western ideological laboratories and artificially brought to the historical lands of Russia … I am sure that after the defeat of Nazism, Russian classics will return to Ukrainian soil. This will become an important tool for denazification of the country. Russian culture and Nazism are incompatible.” (April 27, 2022)
  • Those captured Nazis who will not be shot by the verdict of the tribunal should be sent to the most black and hard work to restore the cities of Donbass they destroyed. There will be places for them in the Crimean colony. Here they will find a ‘warm’ welcome, lessons in the Russian language and anti-fascism, which they will remember for the rest of their lives.” (May 20, 2022)
  • “It is difficult to argue with the obvious fact that Ukraine has adopted the methods of ISIS (the organization is banned in the Russian federation)… [Russia] will give a worthy and fair response to the terrorist state of Ukraine, will protect its people and fraternal peoples.” (June 29, 2022)
  • Ukraine has already committed so many terrorist attacks, so many crimes against humanity that it has lost all right to its statehood. Ukrainian statehood has become an idol to which bloody sacrifices are constantly made. This idol must be destroyed. The sooner Ukraine in its current form disappears from the political map of the world, the better it will be for the peoples of this country, which the Kyiv regime mercilessly throws into the meat grinder of war, and for the entire world community, for which the Ukrainian state has become a source of endless problems and tension.” (July 12, 2022)
  • The Ukrainian regime “is not just Nazi and anti-Russian, it is anti-humanUkrainian statehood is Moloch [a pagan deity], to whom children are sacrificed. This filthy idol must be destroyed, it has no place in history.” (July 27, 2022)
  • “The forces that seized the Mother of Russian cities and other lands of historical Russia are anti-Russian, anti-Christian, anti-human.” (July 28, 2022)
  • “The Russian world is returning to its natural borders. I am sure that this process will continue. Our glorious ancestors for centuries mastered, developed and defended these lands not for the bastards who do not remember their relationship, the followers of the sect of Nazis and traitors, to ‘panow’ on them.” (Aug. 8, 2022)
  • “The future of Ukraine, or rather what remains of it, is possible only with the complete elimination of Ukrainian statehood. We must work to ensure that a new enemy does not grow up near us, in a more serious guise.” (Sept. 1, 2022)
  • “Unfortunately, the ideology of state terrorism is shared by at least part of Ukrainian society. This is evidenced by the outbursts of demonic joy on the Internet about every terrorist attack staged by the Kyiv regime. This is a disease of public consciousness, which will also have to be treated during the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine. Everyone should know that the end of terrorists is always the same – dog death and eternal damnation. So it was, is and will be.” (Sept. 3, 2022)
  • Ukraine is a terrorist state. There can only be one end for terrorists. Proven by history.” (Sept. 16, 2022)
  • It is not the Russian language that will disappear, but Ukraine.” (Oct. 21, 2022)
  • “Now it’s our turn to burn out the Nazi plague with a red-hot iron. And the best guarantee that it will never again crawl out of its rotten catches and will not again strike minds and souls is the liquidation of Ukrainian statehood, which gave birth to Nazism. This will be a new day of liberation for the millions of people who today are held hostage by a terrorist state.”(Oct. 28, 2022)
  • Those who occupy Odessa and other Russian cities are of no historical value. The Empress will definitely return to her rightful place, and Bandera’s garbage will be thrown to the dustbin of history.” (Nov. 8, 2022)
  • “Perhaps the West believes that [Hitler] managed to breed a special ‘breed’ of the Nazis, intended exclusively for ‘hunting’ for Russia and Russians – as breeds of dogs are bred. No one remembers that in fact one of the main ‘generic signs’ of the failed Ukrainian statehood in the nineteenth-twentieth, and in the forties of the last century was anti-Semitism… Only the elimination of the Kyiv junta and the dismantling of Ukrainian statehood, impregnated with Nazism, are a reliable guarantee of peace and security for all peoples.” (Nov. 8/9, 2022)
  • “We are fed up with ‘square’ disgusting to the throat. And no amount of weapons will help the Kyiv regime to once again get into the Crimea with its snout and put its pig’s hooves on our table. There can be only one result of such attempts: the loss of new territories by the former Ukraine in addition to those already lost and the appearance of thousands of new graves in Ukrainian cemeteries. (Jan. 19, 2023)
  • “The failed Ukrainian statehood is based not only on the ideological code of Russophobia, which the West uses today, but also on the code of anti-Semitism.” (Jan. 26/27, 2023)
  • (Referring to the Berkut police forces who died in 2014) “The Berkut fighters stood in the way of the possessed Maidan crowd, the Nazi scumbags rushing to power, and to the end they fulfilled their duty – official and human. Unlike the corrupt and cowardly Ukrainian authorities, which betrayed everyone who defended the law and the constitutional order, who else could prevent the impending catastrophe, crushing the fascist reptile in the bud. Today it has turned into a monster that our soldiers are fighting in the NWO zone. There is no doubt that the Nazi monster will be destroyed. This is our common duty to our ancestors and defendants, to all those who died in the fight against Nazism.” (Feb. 18, 2023)
  • “Nine years have passed since the tragedy in Odessa, where the Nazis burned dozens of people who did not want to live under their dictates in the building of the local House of Trade Unions… The massacre in Odessa clearly showed the terrorist nature of the Kiev regime. In fact, it was a ritual murder. Because Nazism is not only a political system, and Russophobia is not only a manifestation of national enmity. It is a cult of hatred and death, the “religion” of a terrorist state… But there will certainly be retribution for the death of the Odessa martyrs. The participants in the murder of the House of Trade Unions are known. Judging by media reports, one of the bastards has already been destroyed in the NWO [special military operation] zone. Each of the non-humans, wherever he is, must remember the inevitable retribution.” (May 2, 2023)
  • “I will not repeat once again that the Kiev regime is, in fact, a terrorist organization. We must not speak, but act. Silently and decisively. Our military and special services have a lot of experience in this regard. Like the list of killed terrorists. It is high time to enter new names there… We need targeted and systematic work to eliminate not only the perpetrators, but also the instigators of terrorism and war criminals. This is the only way to stop the wave of terror.” (May 6, 2023)
  • “Today, the fascist reptile is again trying to raise its head in order to destroy as many Russians as possible, inflict as much damage on Russia as possible, turn the original Russian lands into a Wild Field. But there is no doubt that the fate of their idols awaits the ideological and blood heirs of the unfinished fascists.” (June 22, 2023)
  • The Nazi vermin will be destroyed – this time completely. So that not even ashes will remain from it. (Oct. 28. 2023)
  • “Ten years ago, the Maidan began in Kyiv. It is unlikely that those people, deceived by provocateurs, who then took to the streets against the “evil ruler” could have known what a disaster it would all end. In essence, a handful of nationalists brought Ukraine to its knees. And Yanukovych, who tried to position himself as a super politician, ended up being a complete loser. When riots began on the Maidan and the weakness of the central government became visible, we in Crimea realized that the country no longer existed and began to create self-defense units. And now the actions of the Ukrainian authorities defy either logic or common sense. There is no one there to negotiate with. And we do not need to deviate from the obvious – inflicting complete military defeat and changing the political regime in Ukraine. Otherwise, we risk prolonging this problem for decades.” (Nov. 21, 2023)
  • Banderaism is the religion of evil slaves, stupid herds, which killed hundreds of thousands of people and a country that, in general, had a chance for a decent future. As our President said, the only guarantor of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine was Russia. But neither one nor the other was and is not included in the plans of the Western masters, who pull the strings of local puppet politicians. And the fate of the Ukrainian people does not interest them. They do not need Ukraine, but anti-Russia. And now history and the Russian army are putting everything in its place.” (Jan. 1, 2024)
  • “On January 20, 1991, during the first referendum on the territory of the USSR, the Crimeans spoke in favor of the restoration of the Crimean autonomy as part of the Soviet Union. The main driving force behind the referendum was the desire for unity with Russia. And also the political wisdom and common sense of our countrymen, who already then understood what kind of catastrophe the collapse of a great country would result. Figuratively speaking, the children wanted to live with their mother, not with the evil and lying neighbor-Ukraine… Therefore, today other Russian lands – DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, have returned to their homeland. What’s next?” (Jan. 20, 2024)
  • “The very existence of our country depends on the outcome of this confrontation. In fact, on the battlefields in the zone of the SVO, the fate of each of us, the fate of our children, is decided. So winning is a common cause. Holy cause…. Another result of the SVO was the cleansing of the country from the dirt and mold, which bred during the years of timelessness. From aggressive parasites that poisoned the social body.” (Feb. 24, 2024)
  • “Today is the tenth anniversary of the Odessa Khatyni. On May 2, 2014, the Nazis burned people alive in the House of Trade Unions who did not accept the coup in Kiev… In the occupied Russian city of Odessa burned Russian people. Bandera bastards savored their crimes, were proud to have killed those who were rescued from the fire. The mass murder was a matter of national pride. And Ukraine as a state finally died, turning into a terrorist organization, into a frenzied animal.” (May 2, 2024)
  • “The Kiev regime kills more civilians again. All those who gave criminal orders, all who obeyed them, must answer for this. And they will answer. Terrorists have no right to life. No mercy to the infidels.” (June 7, 2024)
Pro-Putin pundit Timofei Sergeitsev op-ed – “What Should Russia Do with Ukraine?” – RIA Novosti (April 5, 2022) (alternative translation by Mariia Kravchenko on Medium)
  • Nazi, Bandera Ukraine, the enemy of Russia and the West’s tool for the destuction of Russia, we do not need.”
  • The “denazification” of Ukraine entails “a set of measures in relation to the nazified mass of the population, which technically cannot be subjected to direct punishment as war criminals.”
    • Analysis: Denazification in “official Russian usage just means the destruction of the Ukrainian state and nation. A ‘Nazi,’ as [Sergeitsev’s article] explains, is simply a human being who self-identifies as Ukrainian. According to [him], the establishment of a Ukrainian state thirty years ago was the ‘nazification of Ukraine.’ Indeed ‘any attempt to build such state’ has to be a ‘Nazi’ act.” – Snyder
  • There is “no significant distinction between the APU [Armed Forces of Ukraine] and the so-called national battalions, as well as the territorial defense that joined these two types of military formations. All of them are equally involved in extreme cruelty against the civilian population, equally guilty of the genocide of the Russian people, do not comply with the laws and customs of war. War criminals and active Nazis should be exemplarily and exponentially punished.”
  • In addition to Ukrainian defense forces, “a significant part of the masses, which are passive Nazis, accomplices of Nazism, are also guilty. They supported and indulged Nazi power.”
  • These masses can be denazified through “re-education, which is achieved by ideological repression (suppression) of Nazi attitudes and strict censorship: not only in the political sphere, bit also necessarily in the sphere of culture and education.”
  • The terms of denazification can in no way be less than one generation, which must be born, grow up and reach maturity under the conditions of denazification.”
  • Denazification will coincide with “de-Ukrainization – a rejection of the large-scale artificial inflation of the ethnic component of self-identification of the population of the territories of historical Little Russia and New Russia, begun by the Soviet authorities.”
    • Analysis: “As a historian of mass killing, I am hard pressed to think of many examples where states explicitly advertise the genocidal character of their own actions right at the moment those actions become public knowledge. From a legal perspective, the existence of sucha text (in the larger context of similar statements and Vladimir Putin’s repeated denial that Ukraine exists) makes the charge of genocide far easier to make. Legally, genocide means both actions that destroy a group in whole or in part, combined with some intention to do so. Russia has done the deed and confessed to the intention.” – Snyder
    • Analysis: History reveals that we “should take dictators at their word. Those who incite genocide usually attempt to follow through. It is not unusual for them to publicize their campaigns through propagandists and media. Adolf Hitler had Joseph Goebbels, Alfred Rosenberg and others doing this work. Putin has Medvedev and the pundits of Russian state media. Finally, the more that Russian soldiers embrace the campaign of ‘de-Ukrainization,’ the more brutal the war will become – and the harder it will be for Russia to find an exit short of total victory or defeat. Russian society’s complacency becomes complicity in murder.” – Hirsch
  • Ukraine is historically “impossible as a nation state, and attempts to ‘build’ one naturally lead to Nazism. Ukrainism is an artificial anti-Russian construction that does not have its own civilizational content, a subordinate element of an alien and alien civilization.”
    • Analysis: This article is different from other Russian news sources for “two critical reasons. It was published amid Russia’s predatory war of aggression – while atrocities were being committed in Bucha, Mariupol and other towns, and while Ukrainian civilians were being kidnapped, deported and sent to filtration camps. It was being published during extreme wartime censorship in Russia, indicating its approval by the Russian authorities.” – Hirsch
  • Politically, the “Bandera elite must be eliminated [as] its re-education is impossible.” Ukraine itself requires “cleans[ing] of Nazi elements… integrating this statehood into close cooperation with the Russian department for the denazification of Ukraine.” Russia will then create a “tribunal for crimes against humanity in the former Ukraine [and] in this regard act as the guardian of the Nuremberg Trials.”
  • Initial steps of denazification, according to Sergeitsev, can be defined as follows:
    • Liquidation of armed Nazi formations, as well as the military, informational, educational infrastructure that ensures their activity;
    • Installation of the Russian information space;
    • The withdrawal of educational materials and the prohibition of educational programs at all levels containing Nazi ideological guidelines; and
    • Lustration, publication of the names of the accomplices of the Nazi regime, involving them in forced labor to restore the destroyed infrastructure as punishment for Nazi activities (from among those who will not be subject to the death penalty or imprisonment).”
Vladimir Solovyov, pro-Kremlin presenter – Russian State TV Excerpts (April 7, 2022 – April 6, 2024)
  • “Vladimir Volfovich [former member of the State Duma] made a genuine forecast. And it sounded like this: Zelensky is the last president of Ukraine because after him there will not be any Ukraine!” (April 7, 2022,  translated by media monitor Francis Scarr)
  • “The troops of LPR and DPR are fighting for their land, and now I have a question: What would the Ukrainian territorial defense fight for? None of it is their land… We’re telling people: come to your senses! Remember who you are! Look at what’s been done to you! Look who conquered you! Remember your great past! Wake up, stop lying to yourselves! And that is the main point. Why are they making up a language for you? You are Rusyns [Slavic people] – do you need that language that Zelenskyy is trying to speak. Look at the history that is being made up for you, the religion that is being made up for you. That’s why people are for us. Westerners say, ‘Why don’t they greet you with flowers’? Yes, they are, big time. Despite their fear, they’re welcoming us, and they will welcome us even more when they understand that we’re never leaving.” (May 24, 2022, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “Putin talks about reinforcing and enlargement, because returning means enlargement. What we lost before, now we need to take back… Who is going to be next? Eastern Europe is next, but they don’t want that. Who is the first to get flushed? Poland is the closest to Ukraine. The Baltics are the closest to the borders of the former USSR. That’s why they’re screaming the loudest.” (June 10, 2022, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • Solovyov likens the Russia-Ukraine crisis to “deworming a cat. For the doctor, it’s a special operation. For the worms – it’s a war, and for the cat, it’s a cleansing.” (July 19, 2022, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • Don’t rush to buy maps for the new school year. It would be simply pointless.” (Aug. 5, 2022, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “If we’d taken Kharkiv, it’s obvious that their main logistics and supply centre is there! Wipe it off the face of the fucking earth if we have to! Warn the civilians, tell them ‘You’ve got 24, 48 hours!’ After that we begin to destroy the city block by block.” (Oct. 25, 2022, translated by media monitor Francis Scarr)
  • “What’s happening in Ukraine won’t stay in Ukraine. A holy war is underway. We’re fighting for the right of mankind to live in its original state, as designed by the Creator. Those [Ukrainian] fools who are trying to fight – they aren’t fighting against us, they’re at war with God. In case of their victory, their end is certain. When I say that either we win, or the whole world will be reduced to ashes, this also has another meaning. How can humanity that fights against God continue to exist? … If you think about what’s happening, it’s Satanism. They’re purely demonic, you can’t put it any other way. We have to understand: games are over since we’re dealing with servants of the Prince of Darkness, since we’re dealing with a diabolical origin, what kind of negotiations could there be? Who are we talking to? What kind of negotiations could you have with Satan?” … The new Sodom and Gomorrah await the Lord’s judgment.” (Dec. 17, 2022, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • Let’s destroy the city of Kyiv, to hell with it. Its government district, the Duma where they all sit… Wipe it off the face of the earth. Kyiv’s government district should not exist. It should be destroyed, as well as in Kharkiv, Odessa,  Mykolaiv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv. This is it, jokes are over. You can fight the unclean only with a holy fire falling from the skies, fire and brimstone, like Sodom and Gomorrah… The Lord has chosen us as the weapon of his judgment.” (April 4, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “There should be such damage to Kyiv’s districts that it would be visible from a satellite. Government districts should not exist in all cities of a terrorist country. Ukro-Reich should cease to exist… Everyone involved with terrorists has to be executed… Destroy, D-E-S-T-R-O-Y all Nazi Ukrainian leadership.” (May 6, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “This hatred [for Russia] was nurtured in poor Ukrainians for years… They were teaching them to hate Russian culture… Our poor brotherly nation has gone astray. We will cure them, we will help, we will rebuild.” (May 19, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “And Kyiv? Kyiv needs to be dismantled. Odessa needs to be dismantled! Kharkiv, Dnipro, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk too. There should be strikes on those cities today, much more brutal than our current ones.” (May 30, 2023, translated by media monitor Francis Scarr)
  • “We’ll warn civilians so they can leave. We’ll give them six hours so they can all leave quickly. And then we’ll blow all those cities to kingdom come!” (June 2, 2023, translated by media monitor Francis Scarr)
  • “We no longer have any option. We must wipe them from the face of the earth. Their decision-making centers. No, not the people of Ukraine. But nobody in their leadership should be allowed to feel comfortable.” (June 22, 2023, translated by media monitor Francis Scarr)
  • “I’m still saying I could take Kyiv in 3 days! But first, everything should be destroyed with t  actical nukes! Erase Kyiv off the face of the earth and erect our flag among the ruins!” (July 3, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “[Ukrainian] port cities have to be destroyed. They have to be wiped off the face of the Earth… We will not spare Odessa. We’ll later rebuild it from scratch. It will be much easier this way.” (July 24, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “The President said that if you make a move, your very statehood will be in question. We aren’t saying we’ll let them [Ukrainians] keep their statehood.” (July 24, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “Another question is whether the Ukrainian nation should exist. My answer is, in its current state, it shouldn’t. No! A nation whose ideology presents a threat to us cannot exist next to us.” (Nov. 29, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “Wherever Russia is, there is life. There is love, care and respect. Wherever Satanic Ukraine is, there is death. The spirit dies first. They didn’t even understand it yet. They [Ukrainians] are already corpses, they are dead.” (Dec. 19, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “Ukrainians had a chance to create their nation, it’s over. All these attempts to take only a little bit of land, we throw a hat and will stop where it lands… We’re dealing with a cancerous tumor. We tried curing it with soft, non-invasive methods. That’s over, it didn’t work. And now… sorry.” (March 21, 2024, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • I’ll say it once again: Kharkiv should be erased off the face of the earth very simply, so there are no illusions. But we should start with Kyiv. We should simply destroy all of those governmental… Erase everything off the face of the earth! What’s the name, Koncha-Zaspa [neighborhood in Kyiv]? Erase Koncha-Zaspa, so there is nothing left! Nothing but radioactive dust!” (March 28, 2024, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “Egyptian plagues have descended upon a city that was captured by Satanists. This is what’s happening in Kyiv right now! The Sahara Desert has come upon this city that was betrayed, trampled and humiliated by its inhabitants. Satanists have seized power and are having a ball. After this, who will dare to tell me Kyiv should remain? Satanists have captured the city! This is exactly the way we should treat them — with hot iron! With fire and a sword! These terrorists have to be destroyed! Russian holy sites have to be liberated.” (April 4, 2024, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • What is Ukraine anyway? At the conclusion of this conflict, there should be no Ukraine. If necessary, Romania, Poland, Hungary and ourselves could take some of the territories. There should be no Ukraine any longer! We need a sanitary perimeter. If we leave even a tiny portion of this cancerous tumor, it will expand once again. What talks, what negotiations could there be with them? We don’t need to listen to them either. Who are they to tell us what to do on our territories? All of you, get your stuff and get the heck out of here! … What is in our interests is for them [Ukraine] not to exist! As State Duma deputy [Pyotr] Tolstoy said, we will kill all of them.” (April 6, 2024, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
Russian State TV Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan and other pro-Putin figures or officials – “Ominous rhetoric gains ground in Russia as its forces founder in Ukraine” – Washington Post (April 13, 2022)
  • “On state television, a military analyst doubled down on Russia’s need to win and called for concentration camps for Ukrainians opposed to the invasion. Two days later, the head of the defense committee in the lower house of parliament said it would take 30 to 40 years to ‘reeducate’ Ukrainians.”
  • The editor-in-chief of the television news network RT described “Ukrainians’ determination to defend their country as ‘collective insanity.’ ‘It’s no accident that we call them Nazis,’ said Margarita Simonyan, who also heads the Kremlin-backed media group that operates the Sputnik and RIA Novosti news agencies. ‘What makes you a Nazi is your bestial nature, your bestial hatred and your bestial willingness to tear out the eyes of children on the basis of nationality.’”
  • “In late March, the head of Russia’s Investigative Committee launched a probe into whether Ukrainian students’ textbooks ‘target Children with hatred of Russia and the Russian language’ and ‘distort history.’”
Mentions of Kyiv and Ukraine are removed from the textbooks of the Prosveshcheniye publishing house – Mediazona (April 23, 2022)
  • An anonymous employee for the Russian Prosveshcheniye (Enlightenment) educational publishing house says that they are “faced with the task of making it as if Ukraine simply does not exist… It’s much worse when the textbook just doesn’t mention a country. A person grows up without a knowledge base about some country, and then it is much easier for him to believe what he is told about it from TV.”
  • The publishing house can “mention how [Russia] saved Kyiv, but it is no longer possible to talk about any independence of Ukraine as a country.”
Karen Shakhnazarov, pundit and filmmaker – “‘There will be no mercy’ Putin mouthpiece warns of ‘concentration camps, sterilisation’” – excerpts from Russian State TV channel Rossiya 1 via Express (May 4, 2022, via May 5, 2022 article)
  • Opponents of “Letter Z” must “‘understand that if they are counting on mercy, no, there will be no mercy for them. It all became very serious. In this case it means concentration camps, re-education, sterilization.’”
Russian political scientist Sergey Mikheev – Russian State TV Channel 1 –  translated by Francis Scarr of BBC Monitoring (May 8, 2022)
  • “Ukraine is in thrall to a Nazi-inspired ‘neo-pagan’ religion based on violence.
  • “The ‘bloody paganism’ was founded by Ukrainian ‘accomplices of the Nazis’ during WWII and later cultivated by the diaspora in the US.”
Journalist Victoria Nikiforova op-ed – “It’s Time to Repeat” – RIA Novosti (May 9, 2022)
  • “Fighting is underway in eastern Ukraine. The Nazis torture and kill the inhabitants of the occupied territories.”
  • Russia is defined by “social harmony – difficult to achieve, but absolutely real”
  • The Ukrainian special operation has become Russia’s “war for peace. And not only in Russia, but also for world peace.”
UPDATED Maria Zakharova, Russian Foreign Ministry’s official spokeswoman – Telegram posts by Zakharova – Telegram (June 3, 2022 – May 11, 2024)
  • The Minsk agreements signed by Russia and Ukraine before 2022 in negotiations to end the war in the Donbas were “a chance for Kyiv to preserve the Ukrainian state. Zelensky, led by Westerners, publicly refused [Putin]. The Kyiv regime will not get a second such chance.” (June 3, 2022)
  • The Russian military is “fighting Nazism, neo-Nazism now, freeing Ukraine from the neo-Nazi dominance that has been fed there in recent decades by ‘Western partners.’” (June 22, 2022)
  • The policy of forced Ukrainization and persecution of everything Russian continues.” (June 22, 2022)
  • “Zelensky called Ukraine the only legitimate heir to Kievan Rus. Prince Volodymyr, then mind not being offended that part of Ukraine will be called Rus. I said it myself, well done.” (July 28, 2022)
  • “All that is left to the Kyiv regime, whose characteristic features have long been venality, anger, immorality, dementia and demonic possession. They go to the bottom, proudly raising their middle finger, which has become their shameful symbol.” (Nov. 24, 2022)
  • “The history of these places, like the whole history of Ukraine, is inseparable from the Russian one, and any attempts of the Kiev regime to rewrite it are doomed to failure.” (Dec. 29, 2022)
  • “There is no doubt that the neo-Nazi madness in Kiev will come to an end. The plans of those who took the Ukrainian people hostage and artificially trying to change their national identity with the help of Goebbels propaganda, to tear them away from those with whom they have a common historical past and present, will not come true.” (May 3, 2023)
  • “The Kiev parasitic regime, for many years living on Western handouts at the expense of future generations, is simply not able to offer anything as an experience of state building and achieving economic stability.” (May 11, 2023)
  • “If anyone has any doubts that the Kiev regime will not later turn its terrorist insides against its own creators, they are cruelly mistaken. Unfortunately, then it will be too late.” (June 7, 2023)
  • “The last children of Hitler’s henchmen S. Bandera and R. Shukhevych, as well as their ideological ancestors, in pursuit of imaginary independence and independence, are in fact destroying their homeland, turning it into a springboard for another futile “Drang nach Osten”, becoming a blind instrument of Western aggression against Moscow. And their end will be just as inglorious. All this makes the task of denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine an absolute priority of Russian foreign policy.” (Aug. 20, 2023)
  • “The Kiev regime is an inhumane and anti-humanistic new formation by its very essence… Today, the Kiev regime strenuously wants to emphasize that the unfortunate population of Ukraine are the heirs of Hitler’s fosterlings Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych, who brought a lot of evil to the Ukrainian and other peoples. There is no doubt that after some time this bubble will also burst. It turns out that the Kyiv regime has no more worthy legacy, except for Ukrainians and Nazi collaborators? After all, Gogol, and Khmelnitsky, and many others of those whom they still allow people to be proud of, are directly connected with Russia, which the Kiev regime crossed out from among its ancestors.” (Aug. 31, 2023)
  • “Today, the Kiev regime, continuing its course of falsifying history, is doing everything to erase the immortal feat of the Soviet people from the memory of current and future generations, whitewash fascism and glorify Nazi criminals, who are responsible for the lives of tens of thousands of innocent civilians – Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians, Poles, Jews and others. We are confident that a new day of liberation of Ukraine from the power of the newly-minted spiritual and ideological heirs of misanthropic ideology is just around the corner.” (Nov. 2, 2023)
  • “In Ukraine, a forcible change in the national identity of citizens is being carried out through the adoption of discriminatory laws in the linguistic, educational and media spheres. Russophobia is being spread everywhere, and perverted interpretations of history are being imposed. Mental adjustment is used against Ukrainian citizens by those who call themselves pro-Ukrainian politicians. It has gotten to the point that the Kiev authorities openly deny the existence of such a national group as Russians in the country (there is even a decision of the Constitutional Court in 2021 on this matter), despite the fact that Russians in Ukraine are actually the state-forming nation.” (Nov. 15, 2023)
  • “Today it is appropriate to ask the question: what exactly did ‘Euromaidan’ give to Ukraine? The answer is obvious. From a self-sufficient, industrialized and populous republic of the former USSR, Ukraine has turned into a poor, dying territory. The country has lost its state independence and is supported by Western colonialists, who determine its domestic and foreign policy.” (Nov. 20, 2023)
  • We will not allow the existence of an aggressive Nazi state on our borders, from whose territory there will be danger for Russia and neighboring countries… It is necessary to confirm the neutral, non-aligned and nuclear-free status of Ukraine, carry out its demilitarization and denazification, recognize new territorial realities, and ensure the rights of Russian-speaking citizens and national minorities living in this country.” (Dec. 9, 2023)
  • “We have seen what Ukraine has become over the years — a failed state, a self-rogue country driven into the ravine of civilization by neo-Nazi ideology, historical amnesia and the promotion of all kinds of vices.” (May 11, 2024)
Alexander Egortsev, Special Correspondent of the Spas TV Channel, which is aligned with the Russian Orthodox Church and had more than 1 million subscribers before being blocked by YouTube and moving its account to the Russian version, RuTube – Goat muzzle. Satanism and the occult have become the ideology of the Ukrainian national battalions – RIA Novosti (June 3, 2022)
  • Alexander Sergeevich Khodakovsky, the commander of the Russian Vostok battalion, likens this [falsely alleged] behavior to the “occultism” that was “very strongly developed in Nazi Germany. And here we see worthy heirs. What they are doing is not compatible with the Christian faith and Orthodoxy. This is savagery…”
  • Archpriest Alexander Novopashin believes that the “essence of turning to Satanism is a rejection of Christianity and an attempt to resort to the help of supernatural forces to solve their problems – natural deities, energies or entities that allegedly help to gain power. Someone calls these dark forces Satan or the devil, someone talks about the Slavic gods, for example, Perun, Wotan, Odin, etc. Now there is little doubt who exported, fed and encouraged Nazism in the modern history of Ukraine.”
Dmitry Rogozin (Director General of Russia’s Roskosmos State Space Agency, former Deputy Prime Minister) – comments on his Twitter feed and Telegram channel (June 13, 2022 – June 27, 2022)
  • “In general, what has grown up in the place of Ukraine is an existential threat to the Russian people, Russian history, Russian language and Russian civilization. If we do not put an end to them, as, unfortunately, our grandfathers did not do away with them, we will have to die, but end up at an even greater cost to our grandchildren. So let’s get this over with. Once and forever. For our grandchildren.”
Zakharova – “Ukraine in its previous borders no longer possible” (June 17, 2022)
  • “The Ukraine that you and I had known, within the borders that used to be, no longer exists, and will never exist again. This is evident.”
UPDATED Rogozin – Telegram posts by Rogozin – Telegram (June 26, 2022 – Aug. 8, 2024
  • The modern state of Ukraine is “a bastard formation of the Belovezhskaya conspiracy, where the Ukrainian party nomenclature gnawed off the ‘clothes of independence’ along with the Crimea, three military districts and the industrial Donbass. Moreover, the Ukrainian elites suppressed the Russian movement and Russian culture with fear and blood, deprived the indigenous Russian population in Ukraine of the right to speak their native language…Ukrainian elites are traitors…There is no forgiveness for traitors and betrayal!” (June 26, 2022)
  • The Kaliningrad and Baltic territories are “[Russia’s] land. And no revanchist and illiterate geeks can call this into question. We will defend our native land. Woe and cruel death to those who try to unleash aggression against Russia.” (June 27, 2022)
  • “This time we need to burn all this “Ukrainianism” as an ideology. Keep Ukrainians away from it. Burn this ideology along with its bastard literature, delusional history, cannibalism of the “ancient Ukranians,” fascination with fascist “aesthetic” and groveling before the West. Burn that there is no spirit left. No truces. Any truce, and especially humiliation, is the sure death of our children and grandchildren.” (June 26, 2024)
  • “But I was somewhat distracted from the main question: are there ancient Ukrainian folk tales? After all, if they do not exist, then the very statement about the existence of some separate Ukrainian people from the Russian nation – no more than a fairy tale for fools, the fiction of Austro-Hungarian agents, not without the success of the spun separatists, inventing their world history and a separate role. Everything was invented, but they forgot about the stories. They were fond of other tales: about Bandera, Holodomor, Petlluru and Mazepa. Here they are – the heroes of Ukrainian fairy tales. Now to them the battalion “Azov” as epic heroes will rise. And then this poison instead of Russian fairy tales, they will feed their children with a teaspoon. In short, it’s all for a long time now… We will be picking the garbage out of their heads for decades. And here again we cannot do without Pushkin, Gogol and Bulgakov.” (July 17, 2024)
  • “The requirement of denazification has not been canceled. Denazification is not only the replenishment of library collections with Russian literature, it is not only the retraining of teachers in schools in liberated territories, but this is the ruthless suppression and, ultimately, the elimination of Ukrainian fascism as a phenomenon… the entire Bandera underground and the ideologists of this sabotage against the Slavic brotherhood and the Russian world. Wherever they are – in Lviv, in Kiev, or lurking in our rear, we will find them, pick them out and destroy them.” (July 21, 2024)
  • “They [Ukrainians] cannot be released from the Kursk region. We’ve got to bury them all there. Human, flawed, you can’t fix them anymore. You can’t leave them alive.” (Aug. 8, 2024)
Kirill Stremousov, deputy head of the Russian administration in occupied Kherson, Ukraine – Telegram posts by Stremousov – Telegram (June 29, 2022 – Oct. 21, 2022)
  • Kherson is “going to Russia and in the near future we will regain our Motherland, from which we all come. The Kherson region will never return to the environment of Nazism, debauchery and cynicism.” (June 29, 2022)
  • The army of the Russian Federation, luring mindless Ukronazis into fire bags, continues to cleanse the planet of fascism.” (Oct. 15, 2022)
  • “The result of this campaign is not the struggle for Ukraine, but the destroyed and ruined destinies of millions of Ukrainians.” (Oct. 21, 2022)
Vasily Fatigarov, Russian military expert – Russian State TV Excerpts – translated by Francis Scarr of BBC Monitoring (June 30, 2022)
  • Russia “must carry out a large amount of methodical, competent and carefully considered work to denazify Ukraine…I like this kind of figurative comparison of the fascination of Ukraine with a cancerous tumor. [Russia is] now working like surgeons. And when a surgeon cuts out a cancerous tumor, while he’s cutting it, it’s growing. And when he cleans it up, he also has to clean up a certain amount of healthy tissue so that, God forbid, nothing remains and starts growing again. And that fascist infection is the same! That’s to say, if some of it remains somewhere, it will definitely start growing again. Therefore [Russia] will purify that territory very precisely, very severely, and ensure that that fascist infection doesn’t grow anywhere else.”
Putin – “Putin says Russia just starting in Ukraine, peace talks will get harder” – Reuters (July 7, 2022)
  • Putin says he believes the “West wants to fight [Russia] to the last Ukrainian. This is a tragedy for the Ukrainian people, but it seems that everything is heading towards this.”
Russian political scientist Mikhail Markelov – Russian State TV Excerpts – translated by media monitor Julia Davis (July 13, 2022)
  • Russia should “seriously think about liquidating Nazi leadership of [Ukraine], including not only Zelensky and his circle, but also the Verkhovna Rada [parliament] and the entire government that is currently committing total genocide against its own people.”
  • “I will remind you the words of the Russian president, which he uttered on the 24th of February: ‘You wanted decommunization? You’re going to get it.’
  • Initially, we were just planning to liberate only those who live in Donbas and to free Donbas from the yoke of the Nazis, but after the deliveries of Western weapons, if, God forbid, Americans deliver missiles that can travel 300 kilometers, then we simply can’t stop at all.”
Simonyan – Russian State TV Excerpts  (July 19, 2022 – Jan. 29, 2024)
  • “Ukraine as it was can’t continue to exist. There’ll be no Ukraine we’ve known for many years.” (July 19, 2022, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “[Zelenskyy] is a small Egyptian pharaoh who isn’t letting our people go. Orthodox people, Russian people, he is forcibly holding people before our eyes. He is a small pharaoh and before our very eyes, 10 Egyptian plagues are being inflicted upon him that have befallen pharaoh, according to the Bible… A Grad [rocket launcher] will destroy all the people and animals and the fields with their crops… When Egypt was immersed into darkness for three days, but the Israelis had light in their homes, the Bible says, “Don’t we see darkness over there on a regular basis?” Whenever our missiles are flying, whenever we are practicing our strikes of vengeance, Ukraine is immersed in darkness. And one of the scariest Egyptian plagues is the death of the firstborn. The death of their firstborn is their mobilization of their firstborn, the second, the third, all of their males… What is left of their male population? All that is left is for us to see frogs falling from the sky, if you believe in the Egyptian plagues.” (April 2, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “I feel so bad for them! For Ukrainians and the rest! Why couldn’t you live with us? What was so bad about it? Many of you [Ukrainians] got your statehood because of us! Your culture emerged because of us!” (July 15, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “Volodya [another TV host], there’s one thing on which I don’t agree with you. That Banderism, it hasn’t only existed for seven or eight years. Not at all! It’s existed for much longer! Since the time of Bandera in fact… 1992! A year before that the Soviet Union collapsed! Under Stalin they were jailed in their thousands. Under Khrushchev they were all released again in their thousands, weren’t they? Who were those people? They were the ones who got away. So we’re not talking about seven or eight years. This is the outcome of those who got away having children and grandchildren. Back then we let them get away, so this time we’ll have to finish them off!” (Dec. 23, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • Those brainwashed people that remained there [in Ukraine], whose souls are covered with dirt, that Kyiv was throwing on these souls for decades, we will wash and cleanse those souls! Whoever doesn’t want to go get washed is a slob! A terrible fate awaits any slob who refuses to wash. They have to be segregated, the slobs from those who are ready to be cleansed.” (January 29, 2024, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
Nikolai Korsakov – The baptism of Russia and the special operation in Ukraine: what do they have in common? – Gazeta (July 28, 2022)
  • “Morality does not exist for Ukronazis, they do not reason in such categories and are not afraid of God’s punishment for their atrocities. Many of the Ukronazis are open Satanists and followers of misanthropic cults who make sacrifice and commit ritual murders, experts conclude.”
Head of State Duma Defense Committee Andrey Kartaolov – Russian State TV Excerpts – translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Aug. 1, 2022)
  • Ukraine “has to be restored, rebuilt from scratch, but the biggest problem today is people. There are also children. And children are the very category that was the most mistreated by the Banderite Nazi scumbags, who simply brainwashed them… We need to deal with the children, perhaps in our Suvorov’s, Nakhimov’s cadet schools, there could be additional enrollment and we could send these kiddies there. Maybe Moscow’s higher educational institutions, and others in the country, should reserve additional spots for students who could be placed on a budgetary basis, in free dormitories. Today, they can’t pay anything for their education. Nonetheless, we have to do this because then people will believe that we’re serious, and Russia is here for a long time – forever.”
Russian journalist and military expert Igor Korotchenko – Russian State TV Excerpts – translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Aug. 5, 2022)
  • “Ukraine is part of the historical Russia. Ukraine as a country never existed. Ukraine’s political elites made a choice to turn it into the project ‘anti-Russia.’ These kinds of countries have no right to exist from the perspective of our country’s national interests. Neither the West, nor the United States, can influence the will and determination of our country’s leadership and of our people to ensure that this kind of a threat can never exist in our history from the territory of a country currently called Ukraine.”
Soviet-Russian filmmaker Nikita Mikhalkov – excerpt from speech on the Ukrainian language – translated by media monitor Maksym Borodin (Aug. 26, 2022)
  • “The Ukrainian language has become the image of Russophobia… That is, the phrases that we hear in Ukrainian transcription and pronunciation, they are for us and for the world in principle and for themselves the formulation of hatred for Russia!”
Russian mercenary Igor Mangushev – speech on the Russia – Ukraine war – translated by journalist Denys Kazanskyi (Aug. 28, 2022)
  • [holding a skull in his hand] “We’re alive, and this guy’s already dead. Let him burn in hell. He wasn’t lucky. We’ll make a goblet out of his skull. We are not at war with people of blood and flesh, we are at war with the idea, with the idea of Ukraine as an anti-Russian state. There can be no peace. We must de-Ukrainize Ukraine. We must return our Russian lands… This is the tragedy of Ukrainian soldiers. We don’t care how many we have to kill them. If we were at war with people, we could make peace with them. But we are at war with the idea, so all bearers of an idea must be killed. Like this guy, probably he did not want to lie near Azovstal.”
Putin – Address by the President of the Russian Federation (Sept. 21, 2022)
  • “We know that the majority of people living in the territories liberated from the neo-Nazis, and these are primarily the historical lands of Novorossiya, do not want to live under the yoke of the neo-Nazi regime.”
  • The citizens of Russia can rest assured that the territorial integrity of our Motherland, our independence and freedom will be defended – I repeat – by all the systems available to us.”
Putin – People’s Choice: Together Forever Concert Rally (Sept. 30, 2022)
  • “I cannot help but go back to the time when the Soviet Union was formed, when Russia was creating modern Ukraine. It was Russia that created modern Ukraine, giving it significant swathes of land, historical lands of Russia, along with the people, who no one asked about where and how they want to live, how they see the future of their children, and in which country. The same thing happened when the Soviet Union broke apart.”
  • “Only modern Russia has given the residents of the Lugansk People’s Republic, the Donetsk People’s Republic, Zaporozhye and Kherson the right to choose. People came to the referendum and made their choice to be with their historical homeland, Russia.”
Putin – Signing of treaties on accession of Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics and Zaporozhye and Kheron regions to Russia (Sept. 30, 2022)
  • “It is an inherent right of the people. It is based on our historical affinity, and it is that right that led generations of our predecessors, those who built and defended Russia for centuries since the period of Ancient Rus, to victory.”
  • “There is nothing stronger than the determination of millions of people who, by their culture, religion, traditions, and language, consider themselves part of Russia, whose ancestors lived in a single country for centuries. There is nothing stronger than their determination to return to their true historical homeland.”
Andrey Sidorov, Deputy Dean of world politics at Moscow State University – Russian State TV Excerpts – translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Oct. 9, 2022)
  • “We should wait for the right moment and cause a migration crisis in Europe with a new influx of Ukrainians… I think it’s most beneficial to do it in the new year, towards the spring, because the situation will start to worsen by then, in terms of economic and social tensions in Europe. So the situation we’re living through right now should be handled rationally, not emotionally. And the rationale is: Ukraine as a nation should not exist.”
Russia-aligned leader in the Donetsk “People’s Republic” of Ukraine Pavel Gubarev – Russian State TV Excerpts (Oct. 11, 2022 – Oct. 5, 2023)
  • These are Russian people, possessed by the devil. We are coming to convince them, not to kill them. But if you don’t want us to change your minds, then we will kill you. We will kill as many of you as we have to. We will kill 1 million, or 5 million; we can exterminate all of you until you understand that you’re possessed and you have to be cured. Zelensky is the main possessed one there, he is really the devil’s spawn. He is the Hitler 2.0 with his rabid nationalism, with that rabid Russophobia, with images of a woman cutting a throat, they are bloody possessed Satanists from the standpoint of the Christian thought. From the secular point of view, these are anti-system liberal consumers, stupid people, who can’t figure out what’s happening.” (Oct. 11, 2022, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “I believe that the goal of the special military operation is the liquidation of Ukraine’s nationhood. The existence of the Ukrainian nation in any form will always be adversarial towards Russia and the Russian people.” (July 21, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “I don’t know how we [Russians and Ukrainians] can live together after our victory. We can’t commit genocide to them all. We will have to ‘re-educate’ them, create concentration camps. But for this we must win at any cost and kill as many people as necessary.” (Oct. 5, 2023, translated by Ukrainian media monitor Den Kazansky)
Member of the Russian State Duma Andrey Gurulyov – Russian State TV Excerpts – (Oct. 19, 2022 – May 28, 2023)
  • “If you have no water, no sewer, we’re projecting the flood of refugees toward Western borders, Correct? Because it’s impossible to survive. There is no heating, no water, no sewer, no lights. You can’t cook food, no place to store food, there is no way to transport the food… How does one live in a country where nothing works?” (Oct. 19, 2022, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • We should shut down the topic of Ukraine for good and admit that denazification and demilitarization will shut down Ukraine as a project once and for all. It once existed, but it is no more. There is no Ukraine. This is a territory of Russia. A territory of that Russia that used to be known as the Soviet Union. This is the most important thing to accomplish today.” (Feb. 13, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “If we select a target – for example, it is one city, one region or something else, you clean it out in such a way that there’s nothing left. If we say that it’s Kyiv – they say that Kyiv is the mother of all Russian cities – yes, it is the mother of all Russian cities. But if we need to turn Kyiv into ruins and for our flag to sit there atop those ruins, then this is what we should arrive at.” (Feb. 23, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “In military-speak, decision-making centers are called control systems. Control systems consist of three elements: control bodies, control centers, and a communications system, an automated control system. The control bodies are Zelensky, Podolyak, Zaluzhny, Syrsky and so on. We need to realize clearly that they shouldn’t be on Earth. Nothing at all is stopping us! And that needs to be said openly. The second thing is control centers. First, everyday control centers – the presidential office in Kyiv and the government building – should be turned into dust!” (May 3, 2023, translated by media monitor Francis Scarr)
  • “[The demilitarization of Ukraine entails the] total nonexistence of Ukraine as a nation.” (May 28, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
Anton Krasovsky, then-Director of Broadcasting for RT – Russian State TV Excerpts (Oct. 23, 2022 – May 22, 2023) 
  • “[Ukrainian children] should have been drowned in the Tysyna [river], right there, where the duckling swims. Just drown those children, drown them right in Tysyna [river]… Whoever says that Moskals occupied them, you throw them in the river with a strong undercurrent… Over there, every piece of shit little house, there are masses of awful, monstrous little houses, they shit all over the Carpathian Mountains. Carpathian Mountains are disgusting, every hut over there is called ‘smerekova khata.’ Shove them right into those huts and burn them up… [Ukraine] is not supposed to exist at all.” (Oct. 23, 2022, translated by media monitor Julia Davis. Kraskovsky was reportedly suspended after making this statement.)
  • [In response to footage of a Russian soldier beheading a Ukrainian soldier] “This really isn’t who we are, this is what war is. War turns brutality into a routine, an everyday occurrence. There is no such thing as a war without cruelty. It has no bounds or boundaries. Is it scary for me to see this footage? Yes, of course. Do I condemn our guys? No, and I never will! The Lord will purge all of this scum, filth and cruelty. But we have to win – at any cost, in order to survive, in order to remain.” (April 13, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “I’m amazed at Kyiv’s rhetoric that came to be. It is the rhetoric of total moral fearlessness. You simply are not people. You are creatures.” (May 12, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • [In response to a question about his previous comments on Ukrainian children] “I didn’t say they should be killed, just drowned and burned.” (May 22, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
Vladlen Tatarsky, Pro-Kremlin blogger and war correspondent – Interview with Russian State TV host Sergey Mardan – translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Oct. 23, 2022)
  • “What are Ukrainians? I suddenly understood it. A Ukrainian is a Russian who got sick. Like a transvestite, he was born a man, then something happened, he had an operation, decided to become a woman and live like one. He puts on a dress, a wig, puts lipstick on, and goes that way all over town. It looks a bit peculiar, you think: is that a man? That’s a man – no, that’s a woman. A Ukrainian is a Russian spiritual transvestite, who is trying to squeeze into another skin. I was always interested: when was this moment when they have shifted from a healthy Russian person, let’s say, a Southern Russian person, and into total schizophrenia. The future of Ukraine, those people who live there, is that they are Russian people and they will return to their normal state.”
  • “When we win in Ukraine, the future of these people is that they are Russian people, who recovered from their craziness, their spiritual transvestism, and returned to their normal state.”
  • “In order to reset things way back, all of those [Holodomor] monuments have to be destroyed, and all of those cult sites, all monuments erected after 1991 that are related to Ukraine’s independence, or its new and remade history, have to be completely destroyed.”
  • Sergey Mardan then says, “It’s impossible to defeat Ukrainianism as an idea if you don’t formulate a counter-idea… [Alexander] Dugin is correct a hundredfold when he says that in order to defeat Ukraine, you have to defeat Ukraine within yourself. That aggressive, fascist, misanthropic ideology of Western liberalism has to be eradicated in its every form. They are countless, they permeate our entire life. We have to eliminate them here. And only then we will win.”
Oleg Karpovich, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Studies at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs  – “On the way to real denazification”  – Izvestia (Oct. 25, 2022)
  • “The prevention of new bloody crises in Russian-Ukrainian relations will be possible only when it is possible to erase from the minds of Ukrainians the traces of the joint efforts of the collective West and its local collaborators to set the Slav brothers against each other. To do this, firstly, it is necessary to create an attractive alternative, cleansed of the legacy of more than thirty years of occupation, in the new Russian territories – to demonstrate to those residents of Ukraine who have not succumbed to propaganda that a choice in favor of a future freed from toxic ‘Ukrainianism’ is always possible.”
  • “The liberation of the Ukrainian people means a comprehensive and effective counteraction to destructive myths, which made it possible to endow the descendants of the Bandera militants with additional arguments in favor of the destruction of the Russian-speaking ‘Untermensch’. We are liberating not only territories, but also minds that have been repeatedly poisoned by the Russophobic authorities of the country.”
Assistant Secretary of the Security Council of Russia Alexey Pavlov — What is cooked in the “witch’s cauldron.” Neo-pagan cults gain strength in Ukraine — Federal AIF (Oct. 26, 2022)
  • “I believe that with the continuation of the special military operation, it becomes more and more urgent to carry out the de-Satanization of Ukraine, or, as the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov aptly put it, its ‘complete de-Satanization.’”
Petr Akopov, Russian propagandist – “A new stage of the dismantling of Ukraine has begun” – RIA Novosti via DISCRED.RU (Nov. 10, 2022)
  • “We need to return Ukraine to its natural state of part of the Russian world.”
  • The entire current Ukrainian elite and the current state of Ukraine are doomed.”
  • “We will not allow generations of Ukrainians and South Russian people to continue to be brought up in the denial of their own Russianness and in their hatred for Russia. The current Ukraine is incompatible with Russia – neither with the historical (because it is part of it), nor with the future, because it will be used against us.”
Dmitry Steshin, war correspondent – Russian State TV Excerpts (Nov. 19, 2022 – Aug. 20, 2023)
  • These [Ukrainian] people have shaped themselves, their identity on the denial of everything that is Muscovite. This is a horrid deviation, because at its root is their denial of themselves. Therefore, you can’t consider them as people with full-fledged morality and normal mental apparatus. It became clear to me a long time ago, when I came up with the term ‘crypto-Banderites.’ We don’t need to liberate anyone over there. We need to take what’s ours and make it so that they’re afraid to even think about so much as to breathe the wrong way towards Russia… We’ll see what kind of a beautiful life we’ll create for them and how they’ll want to again rethink their identity.” (Nov. 19, 2022, translated by Russian media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “I worry that we have plenty of ‘smart people’ who will again dabble in a Ukrainian identity, vyshyvankas, independence… For some reason, they’ve decided this identity should be preserved! An artificially-created identity, which started the bloodiest war of the twenty-first century!” (Aug. 20, 2023, translated by Russian media monitor Julia Davis)
Boris Chernyshov, State Duma member – Russian State TV Excerpts – translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Nov. 19, 2022)
  • These retaliatory strikes – and they are retaliatory – it’s an expression of our hatred, our holy hatred. They’ll be sitting without gas, without light, and without everything else. If the Kyiv regime chose the path of war criminals, they have to freeze and rot over there.”
Rostislav Ishchenko, political scientist – Interview with Russian State TV host Sergey Mardan – translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Nov. 27, 2022)
  • “From my point of view, as long as Ukraine continues to exist in any state, the threat to Russia will also continue to exist. Clearly, Ukraine is not the only one posing a threat, but Ukraine is a direct, constant threat. You can deal with Hungarians, Poles, Americans, Mexicans or anybody else, even with penguins in the Antarctic, but you can’t agree on anything with Russian people who call themselves Ukrainians on the basis of rejecting everything that is Russian. This is an eschatological enemy. Therefore, in my opinion, I don’t know whether or not [Ukraine] will remain… I believe that all efforts should be devoted to make sure that there is not even a memory left of it.”
  • TV host Mardan then says, “I believe that this is rational for everyone: for us, for citizens of the former Ukrainian Soviet Republic, and even for the Europeans, if you can believe it. Even the Poles would benefit by Ukraine not existing. It would be much more peaceful for everybody… Right now, the barbarians are on our Western borders. A difficult campaign against barbarians is underway.”
Yuri Kot, pro-government pundit – Russian State TV Excerpts – translated by media monitor Francis Scarr (Jan. 11, 2023)
  • “Such people have taken to the dark side and are proving themselves to be Russophobes, so it’s simply pointless to try talking to them in human terms. They’re enemies, just enemies… The enemy’s children can be re-educated, but the enemy himself must be eliminated!
Vyacheslav Molotov, State Duma member – Russian State TV Excerpts – translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Jan. 16, 2023)
  • “To a large degree, this is an eschatological conflict. This is not a conflict between Russians and Ukrainians, which is entirely artificial. We are one people. This is a conflict of good versus evil, light versus darkness… War is a cruel thing. At the same time, we’re stronger than [Ukrainians] are because we are humans and over there, they’re mostly the non-humans.”
Anna Dolgareva, Russian propagandist – Russian State TV Excerpts – translated by media monitor and Advisor to the Ukrainian Minister of Internal Affairs (Feb. 16, 2023)
  • Igor Mangushev, captain of the Luhansk People’s Republic, “always said that denazification was possible purely physically. You just have to destroy those who are at war with us and educate their children in the Russian spirit … We just need to destroy those who are at war with us, those who are holding weapons in their hands. After that, the rest can be denazified when they are on Russian territory, in some peripheral federal district.”
Petr Akopov – “Ukrainian dreams will bring Europe to self-destruction” – RIA Novosti (Feb. 16, 2023)
  • “They believe not just in the greatness of their fictitious people (fictionalized because the Little Russian part of the Russian people turned into ‘non-Russian Ukrainians’, and then Russophobes), but in its great mission. The mission of destroying Russia, and not independently, but just together with Europe.”
  • “This ‘Ukrainian myth’ is absolutely anti-historical, but it has already firmly settled in the minds of a considerable part of the population of the Nezalezhnaya. Moreover, the most cunning of the manipulators go further and simply call Ukraine the ‘heir of Rus’ and the Ukrainians ‘Real Russians’, thereby canceling both the Russians and Russia.”
Putin – Presidential Address to Federal Assembly (Feb. 21, 2023)
  • The West “started turning Ukraine into an ‘anti-Russia.’ Actually, this project is not new. People who are knowledgeable about history at least to some extent realise that this project dates back to the 19th century. The Austro-Hungarian Empire and Poland had conceived it for one purpose, that is, to deprive Russia of these historical territories that are now called Ukraine. This is their goal. There is nothing new here; they are repeating everything.”
  • Russophobia and extremely aggressive nationalism formed [Ukraine’s] ideological foundation.”
  • “Responsibility for inciting and escalating the Ukraine conflict as well as the sheer number of casualties lies entirely with the Western elites and, of course, today’s Kiev regime, for which the Ukrainian people are, in fact, not its own people.
Putin – Congratulations on the Occasion of Defender of the Fatherland Day (Feb. 23, 2023)
  • “Our troops are heroically fighting the neo-Nazism that has taken root in Ukraine, protecting our people in our historical lands, and are fighting courageously and heroically.”
Russian State TV Host Sergey Mardan – Russian State TV Excerpts (March 28, 2023 – March 31, 2024)
  • “Someone is still worried that God forbid, God forbid, we are yet to decide for ourselves that this formation that appeared on the map in 1991 by the name of the nation of Ukraine isn’t the same khimera that should simply be erased off the map. People who self-identify as patriots of this khimera are degenerates. People who are fighting for it are criminals. Taken separately, every one of them may be normal. For many of them, Russian is their native language. It doesn’t change anything. For Chikatilo [serial killer], Russian was also his native language. Does that make him more acceptable, more normal? Should we be more sympathetic towards him than if he was an American, a German, or the native of Burkina Faso?I don’t understand how this is even relevant. I don’t know which conclusion to draw from this. In one year, all conclusions have already been reached. These are simply animals. They don’t need to be agitated to lose their human form. They have no human form anymore. There is no pity for any of them, not one of them. This is whom the Russian Army is fighting – ghouls. Fighting against the undead who rose from the grave, yes yes yes, just like in the TV series.” (Mar. 28, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • Ukraine is doomed. It is an amazing place with an amazing fate, like a sinkhole that leads to hell where history walks in circles. This historical circle is of a small diameter. It’s a ruin that repeats time and time again. Fiery whirlwinds keep rolling through this land, leaving nothing in their wake, practically every 100 years. What Ukraine will come to in either case is ruin. The Ukrainian history has this concept: anarchy, chaos, and horror… Yes, Ukraine is doomed to drink its bitter cup, to drink its endlessly bitter cup to the very bottom. In 1991, millions of people had the misfortune to end up there, for their children and grandchildren to be born there. They were unlucky. This is not the way they had imagined their fate. Well, it happens.”(April 2, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “When I say that Kyiv is a Russian city, it’s not a figure of speech, not an ideological mantra, it’s not methodology, this is simply a fact! Kyiv was, is, and will be a Russian city due to its origins, its culture, its cultural code, its customs, its language and its accent!… And now the children of the same people from Kyiv that I’ve encountered many years ago say that more than anything in the world, they would like to get rid of Rusnya [Russian invaders]. This is incredible, since they are Russian themselves! How do you erase that part of your brain that controls your ethnic, cultural identity?… Our media, our politicians, our official spokespeople, even they keep saying, saying, saying and repeating, ‘Ukrainians, Ukrainians, Ukrainians’ – meaning what? At least half of Ukraine’s population is Russian! Why the hell are you counting them as Ukrainians? … For over 30 years, we took it for granted that Ukraine exists and that everyone who lives in Ukraine is Ukrainian. Why, all of a sudden? Says who? Where did you get that? … These people, whose ethnic origins have no meaning, they can be anyone at all – Ukrainians, Russians, Jews, Crimean Tatars or even Tanzanians. But any person who takes on the identity as a citizen of independent Ukraine, sings this hideous thing called the Ukrainian anthem, warps his brain by speaking someone else’s language, which is not his native tongue. It’s unfit for speaking, you can only sing in it. It’s simply ridiculous. He rejects the huge body of Russian literature. He rejects himself, rejects the entire Russian culture. And if you, being Russian by culture, reject the Russian culture, what is left within you, what do you become? You simply become an animal! Everything else that makes a human human, especially, pardon me, a civilized human, there is none of that in these people! … We see an external manifestation of a mass insanity among many people, but of course, not all of them… This is us, this is our land! This is our land!” (June 12, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • They’ve totally dehumanized us. They’ve totally separated from us. The group they are calling the Ukrainians includes Russian people, who were simply unlucky to be born and grow up on the territory of the former Soviet Ukrainian Republic. They’re calling them Ukrainians, I can’t understand why!” (Aug. 20, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • [Discussing arguments made by Alexander Khodakovsky, Russian-backed general and politician] “[Khodakovsky] is rhetorically asking, ‘Perhaps the Ukrainian national character and the Ukrainian genome is a harmful bacteria that infects a healthy Russian organism?’ Next, he says, ‘I don’t see the way of digesting this infected carcass — Ukraine. The experiment with relocation turned out to be harmful. They can be allowed into our organism only selectively. We say that we’re supposed to cleanse Ukraine of scum, but how, to engage in genocide? This is not our method… If there are territories to which we can expel all those who are incapable of demonstrating loyalty, it will be easier for us. So many haters of Russia will accumulate on these territories, that their hatred will cause sepsis, a blood infection’ … Any Ukrainian becomes a Russian in a matter of ten years! In my life, I’ve communicated with people from about 20 Ukrainian cities, cities that were truly Ukrainian, Ukrainian, Ukrainian! They are the same Russian people that I am!” (Sept. 11, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • Political Ukrainianness as a phenomenon is a type of Nazism. This type of Nazism will have to be eradicated. It’s currently being eradicated by our soldiers on the frontlines. After that, civilian administrations will have to do this very important part of a job. People who work with the mindset. We openly say that during 30 years, the brains of two generations of normal people, our close fellow countrymen, who lived on the territory of the former Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, have been brainwashed into an incredible state. Many of them have been turned into shapeshifters. They don’t hear us and we don’t understand them. These people have to be converted back into normal Russian people. This is a difficult job. Otherwise, it will be what we have right now. Political Ukrainianness is a type of Nazism. [Ukraine] is poisoned with it, it may be incurable. There are many of them, we understand it. We will have to do something about it. They will have to be reprogrammed with monuments, heroes and symbols, teaching history in schools, teaching Russian literature in schools. In this history of the Russian literature they will study, what place will Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko [a Ukrainian poet] have? A special one? An important one? I don’t think so! That’s in the past.” (March 10, 2024, translated by media monitor Julia Davis).
  • All of Ukraine will be methodically turned into a sanitary zone. What is a sanitary zone? It’s a territory of war. It’s a terrain that has no electricity, where the bridges and transport hubs are broken, where there are no railways, where large cities aren’t capable of sustaining a normal livelihood, because there is no working water supply, no sewers, no working emergency services or hospitals. These are the places from where people leave en masse… I believe that there is now a total consensus around this idea, that Ukraine has to be dismantled brick by brick, so that nothing at all is left there!” (March 31, 2024, translated by media monitor Julia Davis) 
College in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia – “Conversations about what matters” – translated by media monitor Julia Davis via Telegram channel @nizhny01 (March 29, 2023)
  • [Referencing an image of a dead pig draped in the Ukrainian flag] “A pig is a well-known, widespread, popular image that symbolizes Ukraine. In order to make it more illustrative, we covered it with the Ukrainian flag. We took this photograph as a visual demonstration to show the fate of the Ukrainian nation as a whole. Just like this pig.”
Pavel Astakhov, Former Children’s Rights Commissioner – Russian State TV Excerpts – translated by media monitor Julia Davis (April 4, 2023)
  • They [Ukrainians] have to be destroyed and that’s it! Because it would be a compromise with the devil… God is not with those who persecute, but with those who are being persecuted. Their current government is not of God. They will put ashes upon their heads.”
Medvedev – Tweets by Medvedev – Twitter (April 4, 2023 – March 14, 2024)
  • “All these foul ACF and MBH-media, nalvany, volkov, ponomaryov, and other clones of khodorkhovsky have turned into ordinary terrorists and killers. They are utterly enjoying the sight of Russian citizens’ blood. They flare their nostrils in excitement, looking at wounded and crippled bodies. They have fervently pledged to darkness and terror, along with the murderers from the Nazi regime in Kiev, native to them. One does not negotiate with terrorists. They are exterminated as rabid dogs, poisonous saliva flowing from their mouths; without unnecessary, pathetic speeches, even if sometimes it takes years to get them. Forgiveness and compassion are not applicable to them. This is what the higher justice is all about.” (tweeted April 4, 2023)
    • There’s a nice perspective ahead: to permanently put the nouveau-Ukrainian blood-sucking parasites on the decrepit EU’s arthritis-crippled neck. That’ll be the final fall of Europe, once majestic, but robbed off by degeneration.
    • Russia doesn’t need Ukraine. A threadbare quilt, torn, shaggy, and greasy. The new Malorossiya of 1991 is made up of the artificially cut territories, many of which are indigenously Russian, separated by accident in the 20th century. Millions of our compatriots live there, harassed for years by the Nazi Kiev regime. It is them who we defend in our special military operation, relentlessly eradicating the enemy. We don’t need unterukraine. We need Big Great Russia.
    • Finally, its own citizens don’t need the Nazi-headed Ukraine. That’s why out of 45 million people there’s only some 20 million remaining. That’s why those who stayed want to leave for any place: the hated Poland, EU, NATO, to be America’s 51nd state. Joining the Antarctic with its penguins will also be fine. As long as it’s quiet, and the food’s good. The ruling junta’s criminal ambitions forced Ukrainians to beg and roam around the countries and continents, searching for a better life. All that is for an obscure European perspective. Or rather, to let the harlequin in a khaki tricot and his band of thievish Nazi clowns to put the money stolen from the West into their offshore accounts. Would ordinary Ukrainians need that?
  • Nobody on this planet needs such a Ukraine. That’s why it’ll disappear.” (tweeted April 8, 2023)
  • “How gratifying it is, that the rotting corpse of Ukraine is headed by dim-witted mankurts: the corrupt hucksters and stoned clowns, who worship their overseas masters. How really advantageous it is, that these morons have come up with an unviable “peace formula”, and frothing at the mouth, reject all other variants of negotiations. How really fortunate it is, that the mad clown signed his little paper banning any talks with our country. All that will let Russia bring what it has started in the special military operation to an end. To the end of the bandera regime. To the end of neo-nazi ideology, and to the retribution to Kiev judahs who have destroyed masses of their own citizens for the sake of the money stolen from the West. Let the earth burn under their feet!” (July 31, 2023)
  • The so-called former Ukraine doesn’t show any will to enter negotiations – in any case, based on recognizing the realities that V.V.Putin noted yesterday. For them, realities are nothing but the mind-numbing “peace formula” by a green tricot-clad provincial clown. Just that. It looks so far-fetched that the only way out is to come up with our own Russian formula, orderly and quite realistic, humane to everyone. Like what? For example, like this:
    • 1. Recognition by the former (further, f.) “Ukraine” its military defeat in the conflict; total and unconditional surrender of the f. “Ukraine” represented by the neo-nazi clique in Kiev; demilitarization of the f. “Ukraine” and banning the creation of military formations within its boundaries in the future.
    • 2. Recognition by the international community of the nazi character of the f. political regime in Kiev, and carrying out – supervised by the UN – forced denazification of all of the government agencies of the f. “Ukraine”.
    • 3. Assertion by the UN the f. “Ukraine’s” loss of its international legal personality, and inability of any of its legal successors’ to join military alliances.
    • 4. Resignation of all the constitutional bodies of the f. “Ukraine”, and holding immediate election to a provisional parliament of the f. “Ukraine’s” territory, self-governing under the UN aegis.
    • 5. Approval by the provisional parliament of the bills concerning all due payments to Russia, including those to our country’s deceased citizens’ relatives, and health damage compensation for the wounded; establishing order of compensating for property damage done to the subjects of the Russian Federation.
    • 6. Official recognition by the provisional parliament of the f. “Ukraine” that all of its territory is the territory of the Russian Federation; adoption of an act of unification of the f. “Ukraine’s” territory with Russia.
    • 7. Self-dissolution of the provisional parliament; recognition of the unification act by the UN.
    • Such can be a soft Russian peace formula. This is a compromise position, right?” (tweeted March 14, 2024)
Vladimir Kohmyakov, Journalist – The main weapon arrived. Russian victory is inevitable – Tsargrad (May 15, 2023)
  • “The collapse of the USSR led to the emergence of a number of states in the post-Soviet space that fell into varying degrees of dependence on the collective West. One of them was Ukraine, which for 8 years of the puppet regime was turned into anti-Russia and the main geopolitical tool aimed at the destruction of the Russian world. Therefore, the very existence of such a Ukraine is an existential threat to the Russian people.”
  • “From a spiritual and moral point of view, the NWO [special military operation] is a holy war, in which Russia fulfills the mission of Katekhon [a Biblical concept], which keeps the world from the onset of global evil… Upon completion of the NWO, the entire territory of present-day Ukraine should enter the zone of exclusive influence of Russia.”
  • The reunification of the Russian people, the restoration of their historical living space and creative potential are the key conditions for the true revival of Russia.”
  • “Ukrainian nationalism should be legally assessed by the highest state authorities of the Russian Federation, it should be recognized as a destructive ideology that threatens traditional spiritual and moral values, and an extremist ideology.”
  • “The most important factor in the recovery of the economy and the social sphere of the territories reunited with Russia may be the implementation of the state program there for the development of industrial individual housing construction (IHS) and the mass resettlement of citizens in comfortable individual residential buildings.”
Alexei Zhuravlyov, State Duma Member – Russian State TV Excerpts – translated by media monitor Francis Scarr (May 18, 2023)
  • “We need to say honestly and clearly that we have to change the aims of the special operation. We said we wanted demilitarization and denazification, but in actual fact there’s full nazification there! There’s no other ideology there! That’s it!”
Alexei Didenko, State Duma member – Russian State TV Excerpts – translated by media monitor Julia Davis (May 29, 2023)
  • The language of the [Ukrainian] enemy should not be studied. It should not be respected, it should not exist! There shouldn’t be any horrible signs in this language, no materials [in Ukrainian], nothing at all! This is an incitement to ethnic hatred, it’s prohibited! This [Ukrainian] language should not exist… Neither this [Ukrainian] nation nor this language should exist! Cleanse it all out, cleanse out all of its sources.”
Putin – Answer to question about drone attack on Moscow and Moscow Region (May 30, 2023)
  • “The territory that is called Ukraine was virtually controlled from the very beginning by people who, being led by the West, took the path of not just confronting Russia, but creating an ‘anti-Russia’ on that territory.”
Andrey Norkin, State TV host – Russian State TV Excerpts – translated by media monitor Julia Davis (May 31, 2023)
  • Strictly put, why aren’t we destroying them [Ukrainians] like rats?
Bogdan Bezpalko, Member of the Russian Council for Interethnic Relations – Russian State TV Excerpts – translated by media monitor Julia Davis (May 31, 2023)
  • “I’ll be brief: Victory means the destruction of Ukraine’s nationhood.
Vlad Shlepchenko, journalist of nationalist pro-Putin media outlet – Ukrainian drones opened the way for cruise missiles to Moscow: There is only one way out! – Tsargrad (May 31, 2023)
  • “The only way to 100% protect our country from Ukrainian strikes is to destroy Ukrainian statehood, eliminate its military-political leadership and armed forces, reach the western borders as quickly as possible and return historically Russian lands to Russia. Fight. Until victory.”
Aleksandr Dugin, Russian political analyst – Comments at “What Kind of Ukraine Do We Need?” Forum in Moscow – via Russian news site PolitNavigator (June 1, 2023)
  • “We needed a friendly Ukraine. The only Ukraine we need is a friendly Ukraine. After 30 years she was rapidly leaving, turning into an unfriendly Ukraine, we could endure, endure, tolerate a neutral Ukraine… But hostile Ukraine, which is joining NATO, we not only do not need, it is impossible. This is the explanation of the Special Military Operation… A friendly Ukraine could survive, develop and gradually become a full-fledged, sovereign state. Neutral is already more problematic, because the balance was difficult, some situations led us to tough decisions. But when it became openly hostile, especially after 2014, after that Ukraine no longer exists for us. Since the 14th year, we no longer need any Ukraine, we don’t need any Ukraine, and we are fighting so it doesn’t exist anymore.”
Natalya Nikanorova, Senator of the Donetsk People’s Republic – Comments at “What Kind of Ukraine Do We Need?” Forum in Moscow – via Russian state-owned news site Ukraina.ru (June 1, 2023)
  • “I know that there are discussions in the scientific community about this plan [of denazification]… We have all the evidence of infection with the virus. But we need to decide on our official attitude towards the Kiev regime: what kind of regime is this, what kind of relations do we see in the future, what signs of denazification are we seeing? And then we will be able to build our positions.”
Dmitry Evstafiev, School of Integrated Communications professor at HSE (Higher School of Economics) University – Russian State TV Excerpts – translated by media monitor Julia Davis (June 2, 2023 – June 10, 2023)
  • “About Bakhmut, it looks like a universe of death. The point of existence of this social system, which can’t be described as a civilization – self-destruction is its reason for existing, as well as destroying everything else. This is a universe of death! The behavior of the Ukrainian leadership – the so-called Ukrainian leadership, since we know that it’s really based in Washington, DC, we understand all of that – but this group that is in charge of operations of the territory by the name of the former Ukrainian Socialist Republic, their goal is self destruction as well as maximum destruction of culture, values, people, industries, even agriculture.” (June 2, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “I keep looking at the Kyiv regime, at its military, at the Westerners who are courting this regime and are supporting it in every way – they don’t feel any pain. Do you know who feels no pain? The dead! They are already dead! They are the undead! Our army, our heroes are fighting against the undead! They fight the darkness that drowns out the light! They can’t feel pain! They don’t care!” (June 10, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
Vlad Shlepchenko, journalist of nationalist pro-Putin media outlet – Three cities of Ukraine that will save the Russians. Direction of impact marked – Tsargrad (June 2, 2023)
  • “In the current situation, it is obvious that the preservation of Ukraine as an allegedly independent state does not make any sense. The security of Russia as a whole and of individual citizens requires the complete liberation of the historically Russian lands. Ukraine must be destroyed.
Konstantin Zatulin, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots – The State Duma stated the failure of all Putin’s goals in Ukraine – The Moscow Times (June 3, 2023)
  • “On which of these points [of denazification, demilitarization and neutrality of Ukraine] did we achieve results? None. Moreover, some of them have ceased to have any meaning. For example, the neutrality of Ukraine. What is the meaning of this requirement? None at the moment. It will not be neutral if it remains in existence.”
Olga Skabeeva, State TV Host – Russian State TV Excerpts (June 4, 2023 – June 17, 2023)
  • “We can draw only one conclusion: the Ukrainian question has to be solved once and for all. Otherwise, it may be too late… What comes to mind right now, I will say it again, is to destroy every living thing in the Kharkiv region as a punishment and as a deterrent.” (June 4, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “[Dmitry] Medvedev, who is currently proposing for us to find and destroy all the holed-up roaches, said 1 year ago that if they [Ukrainians] infringe on Russian Crimea, there will be a big crater where Kyiv used to be.” (June 17, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
Vladimir Skachko, journalist of Russian state-owned,  pro-Putin media outlet – How Ukrainians can save their immortal soul and mortal body – Ukraina.ru (June 5, 2023)
  • The first goal [of the NWO] – the denazification – will help save the immortal [Ukrainian] soul, cleanse it from the haze of neo-Nazism, racism, xenophobia, national arrogance and misanthropy, with the help of which the Ukrainian people are not only cemented into some kind of aggressive and evil community waging war, but also turned into a hostage nation and the kamikaze people thrown into this war.”
  • “The second goal – demilitarization – is designed to save the mortal body of Ukrainians, providing them with peace and taking away weapons from their hands… With the complete transition of Ukraine into Russia, everything will become clear – it will be disarmed in accordance with Russian laws.”
  • “Ukrainians should be offered a re-education matrix that should help them freely and consciously, but at first under strict control, acquire new state structures and institutions of power at all levels, a new economic policy and a new identity. If not in a family, then at least in good neighborliness with other people and states.”
Yuri Knutov, Military Analyst – Russian State TV Excerpts – translated by media monitor Julia Davis (June 5, 2023)
  • [Responding to another analyst discussing the severity of war] “Bringing up some Ukraine – Ukraine is nothing! It’s a puppet controlled by strings! More than 50 countries are commanding Ukraine!”
Alexei Zhuravlyov, State Duma member – Russian State TV Excerpts – translated by media monitor Julia Davis (June 6, 2023)
  • [Regarding the Kakhovka Dam collapse] “[Ukrainians] have about 600 [tanks], so they’ll keep coming. They will certainly keep doing it. They will keep bluntly crawling forward, like roaches, until all of them get squashed.”
Putin – Plenary session of the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (June 16, 2023)
  • “Bandera was an anti-Semite and a neo-Nazi. But no one appears to want to hear that because Zelensky has Jewish blood. But he is covering for these freaks, these neo-Nazis, with his actions… If this is not the current edition of neo-Nazism, then what is it? We have every right to believe that our goal of denazifying Ukraine is one of the key goals.”
Ishchenko – Interview with Ukraina.ru Correspondent Alexander Porunov – Ukraina.ru (June 17, 2023)
  • “Now Ukrainian statehood has been destroyed and destroyed, but the presence of efficient law enforcement agencies implies the possibility, relying on Western or Russian money, on anyone else’s, but on external support, on Chinese, a quick restoration of such statehood, no matter what, Nazi or anti-Nazi. But the presence of a power lever suggests that statehood can be restored fairly quickly. If this power lever does not exist and these structures are completely disintegrated and destroyed, then, given that Ukraine no longer has any administrative or political efficient structures, then restoration seems completely impossible. Then, not only for us, but also for our neighbors, the question arises whether Ukraine has or not in order to restore the normal administration of its own territory. Who will manage these territories and how it will be carried out.”
  • “If we go to the borders of NATO, then there is no such Ukraine anymore. There is Russia here, and there is NATO.”
  • “Yes, it was no such coincidence that we talked about denazification and demilitarization. Demilitarization and neutralization presupposes that the armed force that is capable of posing a threat to Russia will disappear from the state. Neutralization assumes that foreign troops will no longer be located on its territory. Denazification assumes that pro-Western politicians, who turned out to be all Nazis, will no longer be able to come to power there. Consequently, the de facto neutralization, denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine presupposes the creation of a Russian protectorate out of it.”
Vyacheslav Nikonov, State Duma deputy – Russian State TV Excerpts – translated by media monitor Julia Davis (June 21, 2023)
  • [Responding to a question about the message of Russia holding elections in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions] “The message is totally clear: that this is forever! A legitimate government is needed and it will be Russian.”
Yevgeny Nikiforov, head of the Orthodox Radio Channel “Radonezh” — Russian State TV Excerpts — translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Aug. 3, 2023)
  • [Ukrainians are] godless, it’s all about godlessness… The main problem is our own faint-heartedness! From the very start, we’ve been trying to negotiate! You can’t make deals with demons! There’s nothing to negotiate… They have no laws, they are a lawless people! They are the offspring of lawlessness… The illness in Ukraine is so far gone that you can’t convince them or negotiate with them. You can’t cure them this way! Only surgery will work there. The only response to these statements by the Nazis is a Solntsepyok [heavy thermobaric rocket launcher]. It has to be burned out! Some will say, ‘Oy, this is not a Christian method!’ This way is quite Christian! These people position themselves as pagans! Then take it like pagans! No New Testament ethics for you! Only the Old Testament! Like the apostle, who personally slit the throats of 300 servants at the Valaam! This is how we should deal with these too! Destroy them without any doubt! Apply only the Old Testament ethics! This is the only language they understand!
Sergei Markov, Putin’s former advisor — Russian State TV Excerpts (Aug. 5, 2023 – Aug. 11, 2023)
  • “Understand, Ukraine is the main test site in the world for creating an artificial society! Sometimes it is said that there is fascism there. Fascists and Banderites are a tiny part of their society! They have an artificial political-scientific fascism, created by American and British political technologies! They will turn them into zombies, into cult members, I think they will force some to become homosexuals!” (Aug. 5, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “[Ukrainians] were part of a highly developed civilization! The main principle is widely known: Ukraine with Russia is flourishing, Ukraine without Russia turns into ruins. Right now, it’s turning into ruins! Ukraine does not exist as an independent nation. Ukraine exists as a geographical region, it has beautiful landscapes and poor, unhappy, suffering people. The occupation of Ukraine is not the same as it was in the times of Hitler. The occupation of Ukraine by Americans is the occupation of state institutions and occupation of people’s minds, with a forced change of identity! These are the latest political technologies, which change the identities of people! They turn into an army of zombies. That is what poor Ukraine is going through right now… That’s why the name of Ukraine is now synonymous with the word “catastrophe” and self-destruction of their own country! That’s why our special operation is not a war against Ukraine, this is a war of liberation of these unfortunate people from a terrorist occupation by a nation which is tormenting and killing them and us and is ready to kill all the rest!” (Aug. 11, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
Ishchenko — Russian State TV Excerpts — translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Aug. 11, 2023 – Jan. 2, 2024)
  • “Our problem is that we wage a war of liberation, but a significant part of Ukraine’s population recognizes themselves as Ukrainians, having rejected their Russianness. They view this as a war of national liberation. They are trying to liberate themselves from us. We are liberating them from Banderites… From the standpoint of preserving Russia’s security, can Ukraine as such even exist? We should understand that relations with Ukraine are not like relations with Poland. Relations with Ukraine are relations with a part of Russia that declared itself anti-Russia. For this part, we are the absolute evil a priori. If we allow a part of Ukrainian nationhood to remain, we are creating a future problem and a revanchist structure on our borders. If we can’t swallow it whole, then we should try to forcefully split it up with our neighbors, like Belarus, but we simply cannot keep this around for the future.”
  • “Our problem is that we wage a war of liberation, but a significant part of Ukraine’s population recognizes themselves as Ukrainians, having rejected their Russianness. They view this as a war of national liberation. They are trying to liberate themselves from us. We are liberating them from Banderites… From the standpoint of preserving Russia’s security, can Ukraine as such even exist? We should understand that relations with Ukraine are not like relations with Poland. Relations with Ukraine are relations with a part of Russia that declared itself anti-Russia. For this part, we are the absolute evil a priori. If we allow a part of Ukrainian nationhood to remain, we are creating a future problem and a revanchist structure on our borders. If we can’t swallow it whole, then we should try to forcefully split it up with our neighbors, like Belarus, but we simply cannot keep this around for the future.” (Aug. 11, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “We also don’t get upset about their dead. We dryly count them, 100 thousand, 300 thousand, half a million. There are discussions on this topic, I haven’t heard any distress about it. Quite the contrary, the more we kill, the closer is the end of the war.” (Jan. 2, 2024, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
Ishchenko — “Nonviolent” suppression of Ukrainian as a strategy for Russian victory — via Russian state-owned news site Ukraina.ru (Aug. 21, 2023)
  • “Textbooks will also be printed by the local budget, only they will be written by specially selected people, so that a Ukrainized child, in a language he understands, receives information that he is actually Russian, it’s just that the last generation of his ancestors fell into the heresy of Ukrainianism, which seriously ruined the life of not only himself, but even for him (the child), since his Ukrainized education will not be in demand further than his native village, maximum district. Russianness opens up unprecedented prospects for a career in the civil service, literature, art or business, both within Russia and abroad.”
  • State propaganda will have to actively implant a simple thought in the brain: a Ukrainian is a Russian, whose horizon is limited to the outskirts of his native village and the nearest forest. A person with the necessary and sufficient level of intellectual development from Ukrainian quickly grows into Russian, even if he is unlucky to be born into a Ukrainianized family.”
  • “With a serious approach to the matter, Ukrainianness will begin to collapse in all new territories without any repression, and in twenty to thirty years Ukrainian schools and choral singing and embroidery circles will remain only as harmless relics. Moreover, they will even be useful, since they will become a kind of “honey trap”, where all the unfinished Bandera will be drawn. The competent authorities will not need to make special efforts to identify all potentially disloyal ones – it will be enough to have lists of graduates of the relevant schools (the school also always collects information about parents).”
Egor Kucher — The War is Lost, Ukraine has been Sentenced: Only Russia Can Save It — Tsargrad (Aug. 21, 2023)
  • “We are accustomed to the fact that the main horrors of modern Ukraine are neo-Nazism, Ukrainianism, debauchery in the worst form, militant Russophobia, rewriting history, corruption and puppet anti-democracy. But in the information field little attention is paid to the fact that Ukraine represents the moral and ethical collapse of the anti-Christian state, which has become the black sheep of both the Russian and, more broadly, the Slavic world.”
  • “With such a level of decline in public morality, the rejection of traditional Christian values, the formation of a destructive identity, the basis of which is hatred of Russians on ethnic grounds, Ukraine no longer has a normal state and nation.”
Ivan Lizan, Journalist — Having lost their heads, they don’t cry over their hair: about the main loss of Ukraine – Ukraina.ru (Aug. 24, 2023)
  • “If Ukraine remains at least in some part, then there will no longer be industry on this territory. And until a qualitatively different statehood is created there, there is and cannot be any chance of its revival, and with it a society capable of creation. But the paradox of Ukraine is that its atomized society is incapable of creating anything, including the state as a complex social organism. This means that with each subsequent year of Ukrainian independence, the list of losses of the Ukrainian people will become longer and longer until Ukraine itself is swallowed up by its neighbors, who have a state, an economy and a more or less healthy society.”
Igor Markov, former politician — Russian State TV Excerpts — translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Aug. 28, 2023)
  • “When I hear discussions about the future of Ukraine, whether Ukraine will remain, I think that people don’t even understand what is happening… About deliveries of weapons and F-16s, by the time these planes and pilots are ready, the nation of Ukraine should no longer exist!”
Elena Markosyan, political commentator— Russian State TV Excerpts — translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Sept. 2, 2023)
  • “What is Ukraine? What has this country turned into? I don’t even know what to call it… The Ukrainian language cannot become the foundation of Ukraine’s development, or in all other spheres, like its stabilization or politics. I know that it’s impossible, because it immediately cuts the entire society off from the deepest levels of Russian culture! Everything lives in it and grows out of it… Ukraine decided it can build all of it on the basis of the Ukrainian language! Here is the result! Every face is a pig snout! Every action is a joke! It resulted in the country’s degradation! I have no hatred for these people. I have no pity for them either! I look at it as a doctor! A doctor has to cure a sickness! A person who has become ill this way!”
Skachko — Degradation as a path of development. New six “de-” of neo-Nazi Ukraine — Ukraina.ru (Sept. 10, 2023)
  • “These five ‘de-’ then turned out to be primitive, but, alas, obvious:
    • 1) desovereignization – the loss of state sovereignty for the sake of the illusory benefits of staying in the European Union, which did not intend and does not intend to accept Ukraine as a full member;
    • 2) deindustrialization – the destruction of the Ukrainian economy, which could be a competitor to the European or transnational economy;
    • 3) depopulation – a reduction in the population, which is recognized as “excessive” for a reformatted Ukraine, primarily pensioners, the elderly and the sick;
    • 4) de-democratization – replacing generally accepted democratic methods of forming and renewing power with technologies from electoral manipulation of election results to direct coups in the form of Maidans and “color revolutions,” of which there were two in Ukraine. Usurpation of power;
    • 5) de-intellectualization – lowering the educational and intellectual level of the “people” by abandoning the previous education system and introducing technologies for manipulating and dumbing down the minds, primarily of the younger generations.
    • This has all happened in recent years and continues in Ukraine, breaking all conceivable and inconceivable anti-records and reducing its entire existence to one, but the main “de-” – degradation. But since it is not possible to completely remove the Ukrainian “people” (there must remain aborigines who would work “for their uncle” in the “liberated” and “democratized” territories and lands), then new five “de-” were needed, introduced into the heads of based on rabid zoological nationalism, in fact neo-Nazism. Ukrainian. For what? Legitimate but stupid question. To dupe and properly zombify the remaining population in Ukraine, to brainwash and reformat them (the brains) according to new attitudes and postulates. To completely abandon the past in order to build a new future.”
  • “The special military operation (SVO) of Russia in Ukraine has completely exposed all the negative processes, but is designed to stop the processes of degradation with which all these eleven “de-” have merged. However, everyone is now deciding how Ukraine will remain, having already been turned into anti-Russia – de-Ukraine, if linguistic research continues.”
Ishchenko —  On the issue of the post-war structure of Ukraine – Ukraina.ru (Sept. 11, 2023)
  • “Let me remind you that military operations against Ukraine have been going on for a year and a half, and it has been drinking blood from Russia for more than thirty years. The Americans would never have thrown Ukraine into the war against Russia if it were not for the all-conquering kleptomania and inability for state building of the Ukrainian ruling elite. Ukrainian rulers stole Ukraine from themselves and sold it at retail for cheap, only by doing this forcing the Americans to throw this asset into the furnace of war. Without war, a devastated Ukraine would become too burdensome – more would have to be spent on its maintenance than the damage caused to Russia by the existence of such a Ukraine.”
  • “A small area with a predominantly agricultural economy is inexpensive to maintain. The new Ukraine will be turned into something like a military settlement: they feed themselves and are always ready to fight against Russia (the idea of ​​revenge), if only they supply weapons. A surviving, albeit reduced, Ukraine will be a source of permanent dual loyalty within Russia. I’m not talking about outright disloyalty. It’s unpleasant, but you can fight it. I’m talking about double loyalty, which we saw during the collapse of the USSR in the example of the population of the Union republics, when it turned out that for the majority their regional decision-making center turned out to be more important than the all-Union one.”
  • Ukraine will be the same as it was — a black hole sucking up Russian resources. Only a more effectively managed black hole, whose elite will be placed under the direct control of the West and will be led not by the idea of ​​selling everything and running away to Switzerland, but by thoughts of revenge.”
Sergey Lavrov, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs – Interview with Russian State News Agency TASS (Sept. 28, 2023)
  • “We are ready to negotiate, but taking into account the realities currently prevailing ‘on the ground’ and our position, which is well known to everyone. Also taking into account our interests, the interests of our security and preventing the creation of a hostile Nazi regime on the borders of Russia, which openly declared the goal of exterminating everything Russian on the lands that, both in Crimea and Novorossiya, had been developed, settled and settled by Russian people for centuries. This is the crux of the problem now.”
Putin — Speech at the Valdai International Discussion Club (Oct. 5, 2023) 
  • “We just discussed the situation in the Canadian parliament, when the President of Ukraine stood and applauded a Nazi who killed Jews, Russians, and Poles. Does this not show that we rightfully call Ukraine’s current system a pro-Nazi one? The leader of the state stands and applauds a Nazi, not just an ideological follower of Nazism, but a real Nazi, a former SS soldier. Is this not a sign of the Nazification of Ukraine? Does not this give us the right to talk about its denazification?”
Konstantin Dolgov, Russian Senator — Russian State TV Excerpts — translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Oct. 22, 2023)
  • “These kids in Ukraine aren’t simply being trained how to stay focused in challenging situations. They’re being trained to fight against Russians, to fight against Russia! An indoctrination is underway, a neo-Nazi kind of indoctrination! … We remember how it ended for the Hitler Jugend. It ended badly for many children who were in it. They simply died. As for the rest, let’s put it this way, everything that was jammed into their heads had to be beaten out of their heads. We will certainly do the same to these [Ukrainian] children! … This is not an easy job. Many were infected by this bacteria! The youth and the adults! … Intellectually, it’s absolutely primitive over there [in Ukraine]! Every place where Kyiv is still in power is a desert! Not just a desert, there is nothing at all in the desert. But here, to the contrary, all of it is filled to the brim with perverted, amplified anti-Russian propaganda. A lot of work is ahead of us! This is a big job! Unfortunately, these generations are already ruined, those that are growing up. But I’m certain that many of them can be saved. I don’t mean just physically, which we are doing in Donbass and Novorossiya, but to save them intellectually and psychologically! Even mentally, we’ll be doing this for a long time… Our history and the history of relations between Russians and Ukrainians when it was Malorossiya and these lands were part of the Russian Empire. A significant part of these lands were Russian lands! There was no Ukraine there whatsoever! Yulia [the interviewer], we have to explain it to this youth. This can’t be done solely by forbidding things, although I think forbidding things is necessary! It’s necessary! … It’s very important to provide them with correct content about their land, about our common history with the Ukrainian people. This history of our country!”
Putin — Meeting with Members of the Russian Security Council and Government (Oct. 30, 2023)
  • “I would like to say once again that we must realize where the root of evil lies. We must know where the spider that is trying to entangle the entire planet and the whole world in its cobweb is. It wants to ensure our strategic defeat on the battlefield, and it is using people on the territory of contemporary Ukraine who have been brainwashed by it for decades.”
Vladimir Bortko, Former Member of the Russian State Duma – Russian State TV Excerpts – translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Nov. 30, 2023)
  • “When our Ukrainian, Malorussian friends are saying, ‘We are a separate nation’ — what nation? From where? … When they say, ‘We are a separate nation, we’re going to speak our language’ — It’s a dialect of Slavic languages! … I think that the existence of the Russian people should not be subjected to being split up into Ukrainian people and Belarussian people. It’s all the same people, speaking different dialects!”
UPDATED Sergey Karnaukhov, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Moscow State University — Russian State TV Excerpts — translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Dec. 1, 2023 – July 25, 2024)
  • “Finland is destined to become Ukraine in 50 years. Ukraine is worse than the terrorist organization ISIS. It’s much worse than al-Qaeda! It’s the worst terrorist formation, a growth on the body! There is nothing human there!” (Dec. 1, 2023, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
  • “Why are we so surprised by Ukraine’s behavior? Because there’s no such country, there’s no such nation. There is no history of Ukraine. It does not exist and it cannot exist  because there is no such entity… There is no historic predetermination, there is no culture, there is nothing!” (July 25, 2024, translated by media monitor Julia Davis)
Apti Alaudinov, Military Commander of Russia’s Akhmat Special Forces — Russian State TV Excerpts — translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Dec. 9, 2023)
  • “For Russia, this is a holy war, and nothing else. It is holy, because we didn’t want to take from Ukraine some piece of land, some mountain or some mine. It’s not important what they have or don’t have. What’s most important is what is behind it. Over there, we’re defending the interests of our people in terms of spirituality, morality, divine values, universal human values. There, we became a buffer from Satanism that was moving closer and closer to our borders. Basically, it completely surrounded Russia. This Satanism was going to destroy our country, to consume it and break it up into small parts. This war will be the starting point… First, we have to be cleansed. Only after Russia purges itself of this filth that permeates our society, which it infiltrated, when all of us in unison come to God, maybe not all of us, more work is needed in that regard — only after that will we see the results of our actions.” 
Elena Panina, Former State Duma member — Russian State TV Excerpts — translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Dec. 14, 2023)
  • “We need to secure Ukraine! … Many are asking, ‘What does a victory mean? Let’s define what victory means.’ Go to the frontlines and you will understand! They understand it on the frontlines! Our deep people understand it on the homefront! Victory means the destruction of a Nazi nation Ukraine!”
Putin — “Results of the Year” Live News Conference (Dec. 14, 2023)
  • “When the head of today’s Kiev Administration in front of the whole world gives a standing ovation to a former SS soldier who directly participated in the Holocaust, in the extermination of 1.5 million Jews in Ukraine, Russians and Poles. Is this not a manifestation of Nazism? Therefore, the issue of denazification is relevant.” 
  • “The problem is, as I have always said and as I am saying today, that despite the current tragic developments, Russians and Ukrainians are essentially one people. What is happening now is an immense tragedy; it is like a civil war between brothers who stand on different sides [of the conflict]. But overall, they are not, to a large extent, responsible for this… The southeastern part of Ukraine has always been pro-Russian because it is historically a Russian territory. I see a colleague holding up a sign saying “Turkiye.” He knows, and people in Turkiye know that the entire Black Sea region was incorporated into Russia as the result of Russo-Turkish wars. What does Ukraine have to do with that? Neither Crimea nor the Black Sea region has any connection to Ukraine. Odessa is a Russian city. We know this. Everyone knows this. But they [Ukrainians] have concocted some historical nonsense… My point is that they have lost their sovereignty to a large extent, as we can see now, and they are making many decisions to their own detriment. To their own detriment! But they do it, nonetheless.”
Skachko — Not-Wag vs. Winner. How the partition of Ukraine is being prepared— Ukraina.ru (Dec. 20, 2023)
  • “Ukraine without Russia is the same state as its president from Zelensky: the term exists, but it is not filled with meaning.”
  • “Everything that Ukraine received from Russia should be returned to it, Russia! At a minimum, the entire South-East of Ukraine is now a territory inhabited by Russian, Russian-speaking and Russian-speaking populations, declared “non-existent” by Zelensky’s neo-Nazis.”
Lavrov – Interview with Russian State News Agencies RIA Novosti and Rossiya 24 TV (Dec. 28, 2023)
  • “Everyone assumed, as they swore in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, as they swore in December 1991 in Almaty, that we are brothers forever, there are no artificial obstacles for us to live and communicate in the same language. Yes, this happened in different states, but in the same civilizational, historical space. All this happened. The process of destroying this ideology of brotherhood and unity began in Ukraine.”
Russian State TV Host Armen Gasparyan – Russian State TV Excerpts — translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Dec. 29, 2023)
  • [Addressing Ukrainians] “When things [missiles] are flying and landing on you, you’ll be yelling ‘Mama’ in your native language. You won’t recall the rules of the [Ukrainian] language. I’m amazed by something else. Why are all of you screaming in Russian on Telegram? Aren’t you, lice, subject to official language laws? You walk around in embroidered shirts, with a trident, hollering [the Ukrainian national anthem] like crazy, but as soon as something happens, you speak the Russian language without any accent.”
  • “At first, you [Ukrainians] were pitied. Then, you were looked at with disbelief. Then, with half-disdain. Then, with total disdain. Now, you’re not considered at all, as a matter of principle, because your humanity is gone… Nowadays, you are not people.”
Olesya Loseva, pro-Kremlin presenter — Russian State TV Excerpts — translated by media monitor Francis Scarr (Jan. 9, 2024)
  • “Nevertheless, nobody is rushing to give an urgent euthanasia injection to the terminally ill patient called Ukraine. On the contrary, they’re attempting to keep that body alive as much as possible in order to harm the Russian Federation as much as possible.”
Ishchenko — Population of New Russian Regions — DISCRED.RU (Jan. 13, 2024)
  • Returning to the question of whom they [Ukrainians] are: today they are no one. They were Russians, they decided to become Ukrainians. …To make them again Russians is the only way to avoid problems for the next 100 years. What will be done with a session of collective psychotherapy, only it will be carried out simultaneously on thousands of square kilometers with two tens of millions of people and will take a decade and a half to two times (and then two times longer control).
Pyotr Tolstoy, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma — Russian State TV Excerpts — translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Jan. 16, 2024)
  • The fact is that Ukraine that was turned into anti-Russia will never exist again, that’s for sure.”
  • There is no way to negotiate with these people. They will devour everyone until we cleanse them out of the territory of the former Soviet Ukraine, and until people living in Ukraine come back home to Russia.”
  • “Let me remind you that during the last 300 years, Ukraine wasn’t an independent nation. All of Ukraine’s independence is just a legend that was made up by the Bolsheviks and by Ukrainian nationalists.”
Oleg Yasinsky, journalist of Russian state-owned, pro-Putin media outlet — Lenin and Ukraine — via Ukraina.ru (Jan. 21, 2024)
  • “Since any rational analysis easily shows that without Lenin and socialism, the development of Ukraine did not occur, for its current destruction it is necessary to completely eliminate the memory of that time and its names.”
Lavrov  – Speech at the Meeting of the UN Security Council on Ukraine (Jan. 22, 2024)
  • Most Ukrainians are beginning to understand who their true enemy and who for many years bleached their heads, frightening Russia, planting lies about our country and canceling our common history.”
Alexey Bobrovsky, Russian State TV Host — Russian State TV Excerpts — translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Jan. 23, 2024)
  • “This is the way Russian history works. If the Russians were ever present somewhere, if some place was ever part of Russia, sooner or later, Russia returns to these territories. This is the way it is throughout our entire history! As for all this fiction about historical Ukrainian lands, many historians trashed it on many occasions… Don’t forget history, remember it and treat it accordingly with respect, but not this fiction that currently exists in Ukraine.”
Putin — Interview with Tucker Carlson — Kremlin website (Feb. 9, 2024)
  • “So Romania and Hungary had some of their lands taken away and given to the Ukraine and they still remain part of Ukraine. So in this sense, we have every reason to affirm that Ukraine is an artificial state that was shaped at Stalin’s will.”
  • “I say that Ukrainians are part of the one Russian people. They say, ‘No, we are a separate people.’ Okay, fine. If they consider themselves a separate people, they have the right to do so, but not on the basis of Nazism, the Nazi ideology.”
Medvedev — Interview with Russian State News Agency TASS (Feb. 22, 2024)
  • “Where should we stop? I don’t know, but I think with what I’ve said, we’re going to have a lot of work to do. Will it be Kyiv? Probably, yes. It has to be Kyiv. If not now, then after some time. Just two reasons. The first is that Kyiv is a Russian city. Second, it is a threat to the existence of the Russian federation… Odesa, come home. We’ve been waiting for Odesa in the Russian Federation. Even considering the history of that city, what kind of people live there, what language they speak. This is our Russian city!”
Medvedev — Russian State TV Excerpts — translated by media monitor Francis Scarr (Mar. 4, 2024)
  • One of Ukraine’s former leaders once said that Ukraine isn’t Russia. That concept must disappear for good. Ukraine is undoubtedly Russia!”
Ishchenko — Article “Without faith, no purpose, no hope. Protest against the Pope of Rome unmasks the true character of Ukrainians” — via Russian state-owned news site Ukraina.ru (March 12, 2024)
  • “They [Ukrainians] already realized that their experiment failed – the country will not survive under any circumstances, Ukraine will not survive: it has traveled around Europe and blew down at the front, the remains will die in the next half century. But, dead, they dream that, after achieving them, Russia will blow up and die, poisoned by a non-brotherly corpse poison. And if he [Ukraine] doesn’t die, it’ll get a little sick.”
  • Therefore, everyone who can, it is necessary to return to Russianness. There will be nothing possible of the Ukrainians.”
Skachko — Article “The mystery of the sanitary zone: elections in Russia – the death of neo-Nazis in Ukraine” — via Russian state-owned news site Ukraina.ru (March 18, 2024)
  • “And for Russia, for which the creation of sanitary zones and security buffers on its southwestern borders is a matter of the near future and ensuring its state security. That is, we are talking about the fulfillment of the tasks and the achievement of the goals of the SVO, which was set for this. That’s it! The circle is closed: Russia’s security is needed, and it is impossible to achieve it without the collapse of Ukraine. It is necessary to ensure its security at the expense of Ukraine. This is the logic of every war, including this war: the rules of the future of the common life are dictated by the victors.”
  • “There will be no Zelensky, and there will be a sanitary zone. And instead of a part of Ukraine or in its composition, but under someone else’s (they are a question of peace agreements) control – this is not so important. The one that Ukraine, which after the 2014 coup turned into an “anti-Russia” and provoked a war, will never be.”
Ishchenko — Article “How Ukrainian was born. The Forgotten Anniversary of Political Mistake” — via Russian state-owned news site Ukraina.ru (March 24, 2024)
  • “The meaning in the study of the problem of the birth of Ukrainian separatism, the study of its deepest and most unobvious roots, is only in one case – if the knowledge used we use for a final solution to this problem, the eradication of Ukraine, as a project, hostile to Russianity, forever. ​​The first steps in this direction are already being taken. The new territories are part of Russia as Russian regions, without any special privileges and powers. The main thing is not to get off this path, or because we still have a fairly influential pro-Ukrainian lobby, which considers and proves that at least some Ukraine, at least in some territories should be preserved.
  • There can be no Ukraine. Even in Galicia, where another, non-Russian nation was formed in more than six hundred years of separate existence. Let there be Galicians, Poles, Romanians, Hungarians, anyone, but not Ukrainians. Ukrainians – an alternative to the Russian version of the development of the Russian nation, so far, Ukrainianism is fighting with Russianism for “Polish free parties,” for the “European choice.” It will never rest, without eradicating Russianity (as an alternative and more successful version of national-state development), which means that in the interests of our security [Ukraine] must be completely eradicated.”
Vladislav Shurygin, Russian military expert — Russian State TV Excerpts — translated by media monitor Julia Davis (March 27, 2024)
  • “I asked myself, why do we treat animals that are shelling our cities as though we consider them to be normal people? … Give them two warnings, as it was done in the past, warn them twice, but then hit them the third time. Then the place of this brigade’s permanent deployment will face total destruction, where their wives, their kids, mothers and fathers live. Where the entire pack lives… You can’t treat them in any other way. These are animals. They aren’t capable of understanding anything human.”
Andry Lugovoy, State Duma member — Russian State TV Excerpts — translated by media monitor Julia Davis (March 28, 2024) 
  • “The Ukrainian population is bipolar in its head. We have to put them in their place. I think that Kharkiv should be deprived of electricity to the point that it becomes totally unlivable. Let those 800 thousand people that are left there get in their cars, walk with their sacks or ride in wagons, heading West. And do the same to other cities, including Kyiv… Purely symbolically, we should level the Presidential Palace, since it’s clear who is at the head of this gang. Many may say, they are in the bunkers, nothing will happen to them, but it would be symbolic.”
Dugin — Ukraine is No More — DISCRED.RU (April 1, 2024)
  • Today, what was Ukraine yesterday, whether someone liked it or not, is no longer Ukraine. It is a piece of territory and an array of population, captured in any way and in no way legal and not [a] legitimate group of people.”
NEW Konstantin Kevorkian, Russian journalist — A Fair Military Operation or Return of the Stolen — Ukraina.ru (May 1, 2024)
  • “Today’s Ukraine has been turned into a huge concentration camp. A just military operation is the return of stolen freedom and scolded human dignity. It, as a surgical operation in the case of an advanced disease, is severe, bleeding, requires a huge strain of strength. But if a malignant tumor is not cut out, then the metastases will harm the whole body.”
NEW Zakharova — Briefing in St. Petersburg — Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (May 23, 2024)
  • “Today, the Ukrainian heritage associated with the Kiev regime has been overcome, and Crimea has turned into a prosperous Russian region, a territory of national harmony, where people of all nationalities have equal rights and opportunities, live in peace and understanding.” 
NEW Ishchenko — Post-Ukraine: contours of denazification — Ukraina.ru (May 29, 2024)
  • The choice is not made by us, but we have to consider it. If there is one thing to remain, we must make every effort to ensure that it is not Ukraine. Ukrainian Russophobic Nazism and Ukrainianism as such, constantly give rise to each other and can no other way.”
NEW Ishchenko — The Dead Army of Zelensky goes into battle — Ukraina.ru (May 30, 2024)
  • “We have long stated that we are going to leave the scorched [Ukrainian] land. But these will not just be villages dismantled brick by brick, into which the Russian army is now entering after months of fighting. In the near future, we are threatened to see half-dead cities (former million-plus cities or regional centers with populations of 300,000 to 900,000), with destroyed infrastructure, the lack of elementary conditions for the life of the remaining population, hundreds of thousands of unrecovered corpses rotting in the surrounding fields, forest plantings and rural basements, and rodents also fatten on these corpses and move freely between them and the cities.”
NEW Sergei Karaganov, political scientist & dean of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs at Moscow’s Higher School of Economics — Plenary Session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum — Kremlin (June 7, 2024)
  • “The Kiev regime is morally, politically, and even legally illegitimate, even from the perspective of the failed state that exists there. How can we possibly hold any talks with them without first defeating them, achieving their complete surrender and holding a nuclear gun, so to speak, over our Western opponents, so that they do not resist any further? In fact, right now, no agreements will be implemented until they are defeated. They are illegitimate and unreliable partners.” 
NEW Zakharova — Briefing in St. Petersburg — Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (June 19, 2024)
  • The price they expect from the citizens of Ukraine, from Ukrainian society, the people (I can’t say the state, because I can’t say. There is nothing left of Ukrainian statehood) – inflicting Russia’s “strategic defeat” by his hands with colossal Western money.”
NEW Ishchenko — When it’s over: graves and monumental propaganda — Ukraina.ru (June 20, 2024)
  • The Ukrainians, although they proclaimed their nation the oldest (which existed at least 100,000 years), can not find any material evidence of its existence beyond the last century. Therefore, in order to raise new generations in the Ukrainian cultural environment (if, of course, it can be called culture), Ukrainian nationalists needed to destroy everything that was too vividly testified to the Russian history of the region.
  • “As I wrote above, I don’t know what to do with the natural way, with our help, multiplying Ukrainian monumental and grave propaganda, but something needs to be done about it. Otherwise, and in decades, some inquisitive child will begin to wonder what Ukraine was in the fight for which so many people died. I am not sure that quite truthful explanations about collective zombification, about the reworking of local Russians into Ukrainians who hate Russianness with the help of American propaganda, for the child of the end of this century, for which freedom will be as distant as for us the Russo-Japanese war, will be more convincing than rows of graves and memories of grandfathers and great-grandfathers against their background.”
NEW Putin — Answers to questions from Russian journalists — Kremlin (June 20, 2024)
  • “Six months ago, I made it clear that if they continued to target Russian communities in the [Kharkiv] border region, we would have to create a security area, a sanitary zone, on Ukrainian territory. They continued the shelling, and we did what we said we would.” 
NEW Ishchenko — Undiscovered disaster. Why the neo-Banderas are going to kill the Russians again and again — Ukraina.ru (June 28, 2024)
  • “There is nothing you can do to even have a chance to return the [Ukrainian] collective average person to a normal state; it is necessary to kill hundreds of thousands of individual people. If you leave everything as it is, then a hostile collective man in the street will continue to try to kill us.”
NEW Ishchenko — Ukrainian Patriots in the Process of Awareness of the Obvious — Discred.ru (June 29, 2024)
  • “Therefore, from my point of view, although the collapse of Ukraine is natural, and its complete takeover is a burden, Russia should still strive for a complete absorption of the former territories of the Ukrainian SSR, not even because they are native Russian: the Polish – now Polish Bialystok – is also an ancient Russian city, and our Kaliningrad was built by the Germans. Just the complete absorption of Ukraine is the only guarantee of the eradication of Ukraine (with the right approach to solving the problem), and therefore ensuring the long-term security of Russia.”
NEW Zakharova — Briefing in St. Petersburg — Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (June 26, 2024)
  • “All this once again confirms that the regime of V.A. Zelensky and its Western curators are indifferent to the fate of Ukraine and its residents. They are not disturbed by the suffering of their citizens, on whose shoulders fall the hardships of such an escalation. Destroyed Ukrainian statehood, destroyed economy, industry, production throughout the territory formerly called Ukraine.”
  • Today’s Ukraine has long become a toxic state rotten from within, which infects other countries with its corruption plague. This should be discussed on specialized profile platforms. The mutual cooperation with the Kiev regime (this should be understood, including the countries of the world’s majority) will only cause harm, because no one will ever calculate how many machinations were committed by Bankova [the office of the Ukrainian president]. With their promises, they have a hand in enriching criminal cartels and arms merchants around the world. And now they feel like the world’s rulers in this regard.”
NEW Zakharova — Comment on the Kiev regime’s attempts to accuse Russia of deliberate attacks on Ukrainian civil facilities — Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (July 8, 2024)
  • “Attempts by the Zelensky regime to use the tragedy with the children’s hospital in Kiev for propaganda purposes once again confirms its inhuman Nazi essence. For the sake of maintaining power, the Kiev regime is ready for any crimes. He is indifferent to the fate and life of his fellow citizens, including children.”
NEW Skachko — The Cage of the Brain. On neo-Nazi soil in Ukraine, completely banned Russia — Ukraina.ru (July 18, 2024)
  • “But what to do with these [Ukrainian] patriots, it seems, no one knows. Veterinarians, however, claim that there are no methods of treatment of rabies-stricken animals, and therefore the branded four-legged are simply exterminated. As, in principle, the fascists and Nazis in 1945. And it’s only a pity that then some individuals left the “medication” and bred…”
NEW Alexander Kazakov, State Duma member – Russian State TV Excerpts — translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Aug. 1, 2024)
  • “This question [of “where are the Ukrainians?”] will no longer exist in two years. We will win in the special military operation. We’ll have our own May 9th [Victory Day]. The way all Germans turned into anti-fascists, after our victory, all Ukrainians will turn into Russians and Malorussians. That’s it, in two years, this issue will not exist.”
NEW Zakharova — Comment on the situation around Ukraine — Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (August 7, 2024)
  • “It is not surprising that today the new symbols of the Ukrainian state are covered with rust, while the authorities steal the country and sell it to the West… The facts listed once again confirm the relevance of the tasks of a special military operation on the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine and the elimination of threats emanating from its territory. All of them will be fulfilled.”
NEW Victoria Nikiforova, Russian propagandist and columnist at RIA Novosti — No Negotiations. Ukraine Simply Should Not Be — Discred.ru (August 14, 2024)
  • There should be no “Ukraine” — all this space should be denazified, cleared and neutralized. Whatever efforts and sacrifices we need, we are ready for them.”
  • “And all this huge, multi-millions of people, all this vast [Ukrainian] country – what can you do to it on a scale of decades? We’re not going anywhere. We will kill the Nazis until we cleanse all our land.”
NEW Dmitry Drobnitsky, Russian political scientist — Russian State TV Excerpts — translated by media monitor Julia Davis (Aug. 14, 2024)
  • “Realistically, these [Ukrainians] are just Russian people. Seriously. They were simply convinced that it’s bad to be Russian. This is what political Ukrainianism is all about. They convinced them that it’s bad to be a Russian, that it’s shameful and backward. They turned them into that, but their spirit remained the same.”
IMAGE: People react as they gather close to a mass grave in the town of Bucha, just northwest of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv on April 3, 2022. (Photo by SERGEI SUPINSKY/AFP via Getty Images)