Like last year, we created two lists for 2019: one for the “most read” articles that focused on the Russia and Ukraine investigations, and one for the “most read” articles that focused on other topics. The main rationale for creating two lists is to highlight news and analysis that can otherwise be crowded out by coverage of the Russia and Ukraine investigations. The statistics used to generate these lists do not include republication of Just Security articles by our media partners.
These lists also do not include four popular resource tools: (i) Public Document Clearinghouse on the Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry, (ii) Public Document Clearinghouse: Congressional Russia Investigations, (iii) Trump-Russia Timeline, and (iv) Unsealed Documents in Special Counsel Mueller’s Investigation.
We are very grateful to our authors and to our readers, and hope you enjoy seeing (and reading and rereading) these articles!
Most Read Articles of 2019 in General (excluding Ukraine and Russia investigations)
by Edwin Djabatey
by Jefferson Morley
- Trump’s Encouraging QAnon May Result in Violence—Just ask the FBI
by Justin Hendrix
by Beth Van Schaack
by Gabor Rona
by Joshua Geltzer, Ryan Goodman and Asha Rangappa
by Nicholas Rasmussen
by Stephen Gillers
by John T. Nelson
by Conor Shaw
by Martin J. Sheil
by Brian Egan and Tess Bridgeman
by Aurel Sari
by Ambassador Dana Shell Smith
by Steve Vladeck
by Marty Lederman
by Edgar Chen, Alicia O’Brien and Julie Rodin Zebrak
by Erin M. Kearns and Amarnath Amarasingam
by Robert S. Taylor
by Sam Berger
by Paul Seamus Ryan
by Steve Vladeck
by Kai Wiggins
by Rebecca Hamilton
by Annie Himes, Julia McKay and John T. Nelson
Most Read Articles of 2019 on Ukraine and Russia Investigations
by Susan Simpson
by Just Security, Kate Brannen, George T. Conway III, Jennifer Daskal, Kristen Eichensehr, Joshua Geltzer, Ryan Goodman, Elie Honig, Harry Litman, Renato Mariotti, Barbara McQuade, Asha Rangappa, Mimi Rocah, Paul Seamus Ryan, Rita Siemion, Joyce Vance and Andy Wright
by Ryan Goodman
by Viola Gienger and Ryan Goodman
by Barbara McQuade and Joyce Vance
by Viola Gienger
by John Sipher
by Jill Wine-Banks
- Chart: Side-by-Side Comparison of Kurt Volker’s vs Other Witnesses’ Testimony in Impeachment Inquiry
by Ryan Goodman and Just Security
by Ryan Goodman
by Ryan Goodman
by Andrew Weissmann, Sam Berger, Randall Eliason, Barbara McQuade, Paul Seamus Ryan, Susan Simpson, Gary Stein and Michael Stern
by Ryan Goodman
by Susan Simpson
by Ryan Goodman and John T. Nelson
by Frank O. Bowman, III
by Paul Seamus Ryan
by Alex Finley
by Sam Berger
by Luppe Luppen
by Joshua Geltzer and Ryan Goodman
by Ryan Goodman and Viola Gienger
by Ryan Goodman
by Andy Wright
by Kel McClanahan