Impeachment/Ukraine affair

United States of America v. Rudolph W. Giuliani
by Barbara McQuade and Joyce Vance

The Missing Link: Getting Dirt on Biden Was Key Part of “Investigation into 2016 Election” Too
by Ryan Goodman and Alex Potcovaru

George Washington’s Advisors Agreed: Impeachment Did Away with Executive Privilege
by Jean Galbraith and Michel Paradis

A Dozen Questions for Mike Pompeo
by Sidney Blumenthal

GOP “Storming” of Secure Facility for Impeachment Proceedings: An Explainer
by Kel McClanahan

Trump Views U.S. Taxpayer Dollars As His Personal Checkbook
by Kate Brannen

Open Skies Treaty

● Abandoning Open Skies: Trump Would Be Squandering More of Our Security Inheritance
by Alexandra Bell and Anthony Wier


● Assessing Turkey’s “Resettlement” Plans in Syria under the Law of Occupation
by Eyal Benvenisti and Eliav Lieblich

ISIS Prosecutions

● “With a Little Help from Our Friends”: Prosecuting the ISIL “Beatles” in U.S. Courts
by Beth Van Schaack and Julia Brooks


● Assessing the Legal Landscape of Family Separation in the Immigration Context
by Carrie CorderoHeidi Li Feldman and Chimène Keitner

Sri Lanka

● Suit Against Sri Lankan Presidential Candidate Rajapaksa Dismissed on Common Law Immunity Grounds
by Beth Van Schaack

United Nations

National Security at the United Nations This Week
by Sahrula Kubie