Russian Election Interference
- Michael Carpenter (@mikercarpenter), Countering Russia’s Malign Influence Operations
- Fred Wertheimer, Loopholes Allow Foreign Adversaries to Legally Interfere in U.S. Elections
- Michael Stern (@mls1776), How Impeachment Proceedings Would Strengthen Congress’s Investigatory Powers
Investigating the Investigators
- Joshua Geltzer (@jgeltzer) and Mary B. McCord, Bill Barr’s Dangerous New Powers
Russia Investigation
- Ryan Goodman (@rgoodlaw), Mueller’s Message: The Obstruction that Nearly Halted Criminal Case Against Russians
- Just Security (@just_security), Updated Documents in Special Counsel Mueller’s Investigation [Updated]
U.S.-Iran War
- Oona Hathaway (@oonahathaway), Bolton’s Stated Predicate for War With Iran Doesn’t Work
The Malvinas Archipelago and International Humanitarian Law
- Juan Francisco Padin, The Malvinas as a Post-Bellum Case Study: From Decoloniztion to the Memory of the Departed
Law of Armed Conflict
- Adil Ahmad Haque (@AdHaque110), A Critique of Defense Dept General Counsel Ney’s Remarks on the Law of War
- Just Security (@just_security), Remarks by Defense Dept General Counsel Paul C. Ney Jr. on the Law of War
Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict
- Bede Sheppard (@BedeOnKidRights), A Step in the Right Direction: Militaries Changing Policies to Stop Using Schools
- Nathalie Weizmann (@nweizmann) and Photos by Marko Kokic for UNICEF (@markokokic), When War Comes to School
Human Rights Court Cases in US Courts – Sudan
- Beth Van Schaack (@BethVanSchaack), Understanding the Decision to Revive the Sudanese Genocide Lawsuit Against BNP Paribas
Countering Violent Extremism
- Kai Wiggins (@kaiswiggins), Finding the Federal Data on Domestic Terrorism