Below is a calendar of congressional hearings on national security matters for this week.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

9:30am – Senate Armed Services – United States Cybersecurity Policy and Threats (here)

10:00am – House Armed Services – Outside Perspectives on the Department of Defense Cyber Strategy (here)

10:00am – Senate Foreign Relations – The US Role and Strategy in the Middle East: The Humanitarian Crisis (here)

11:15am – Senate Appropriations – Homeland Security Subcommittee – Transportation Security Administration’s Efforts to Address Inspector General Findings (here)

2:00pm – House Foreign Affairs – Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade – US Counterterrorism Efforts in Syria: A Winning Strategy? (here)

2:30pm – Senate Foreign Relations – Subcommittee on East Asia, The Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy – The Changing Landscape of US-China Relations: What’s Next? (here)

2:30pm – Senate Intelligence – Briefing: Intelligence Matters – closed meeting (here)

3:30pm – Senate Armed Services – Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces – USAF Bomber Force Structure: Current Requirements and Future Vision (here)

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

10:00am – House Armed Services – Implementing the Department of Defense Cyber Strategy (here)

10:00am – House Foreign Affairs – Cyber War: Definitions, Deterrence, and Foreign Policy (here)

10:00am – House Homeland Security – Markups: Various Bills (here)

2:00pm – House Foreign Affairs – Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats – The Threat of Islamist Extremism in Russia (here)

2:30pm – Senate Intelligence – Briefing: Intelligence Matters – closed meeting (here)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

9:30am – Senate Armed Services – Procurement, Acquisition, Testing, and Oversight of the Navy’s Gerald R. Ford-class Aircraft Carrier Program (here)

10:15am – Senate Foreign Relations – Reviewing the Civil Nuclear Agreement in South Korea (here)

2:00pm – Senate Judiciary – Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest – Oversight of the Administration’s FY 2016 Refugee Resettlement Program: Fiscal and Security Implications (here)

2:30pm – Senate Intelligence – Briefing: Intelligence Matters – closed meeting (here)