I. Surveillance and Data Collection

  1. Thomas Earnest, [UPDATE] Tomorrow: Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on “Continued Oversight of U.S. Government Surveillance Authorities”  (Tuesday, Dec. 10)
  2. Julian Sanchez, Can §215 Be Used for Content Collection? (Friday, Dec. 13)

II. Drones and Targeted Killings

  1. Jennifer Daskal, NDAA Redux – Provision on Lethal Targeting (Wednesday, Dec. 11)
  2. Daphne Eviatar, Drones Strikes Kill 18 in Yemen This Week — More Transparency is Needed  (Thursday, Dec. 12)
  3. Ryan Goodman & Derek Jinks, Some Criticisms of Obama’s Drones and Targeting Rules are Baseless (Thursday, Dec. 12)

III. Detention and Trials

  1. Jennifer Daskal, Progress on the 2014 NDAA — A Guantanamo Victory  (Tuesday, Dec. 10)
  2. Jonathan Hafetz, Guest Post: The Potential Pitfalls of Refusing to Reopen the Article III Door for Guantanamo Detainees (Wednesday, Dec. 11)
  3. Lech Garlicki, Guest Post: International Human Rights Law and Preventive (Security) Detention: A European Exceptionalism? (Thursday, Dec. 12)

IV. Sexual Assault and Military Discipline

  1. Charles J. Dunlap, Jr., Guest Post: Top Ten Reasons Sen. Gillibrand’s Bill is the Wrong Solution to Military Sexual Assault  (Monday, Dec. 9)
  2. Andy Wright, Reply to Charlie Dunlap on Sexual Assault Reform Proposals (Tuesday, Dec. 10)
  3. Thomas Earnest, Gillibrand Proposal Removed from NDAA, but Some Reforms Remain (Wednesday, Dec. 11)

V. Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and Effective Control

VI. Universal Jurisdiction

  1. Ruchi Parekh, Universal Jurisdiction: The South African Chapter (Thursday, Dec. 12)
  2. Beth Van Schaack, The Unexceptional Nature of the South African Universal Jurisdiction Law (Thursday, Dec. 12)
  3. Ryan Goodman, Counting Universal Jurisdiction States: What’s Wrong with Amnesty International’s Numbers (Friday, Dec. 13)

VII. Relationship between Law of Armed Conflict and International Human Rights Law

VIII. Syria

  1. Ryan Goodman, “Tweet Roll”: Twitter Reacts to Seymour Hersh Article on Sarin Attack in Syria (Monday, Dec. 9)
  2. Ryan Goodman, Excerpts of Interview with Seymour Hersh (Monday, Dec. 9)
  3. Ryan Goodman Dissecting Seymour Hersh’s Account of the Sarin Attacks on Ghouta (Tuesday, Dec. 10)

IX. Security Council / International Criminal Court

Recap: A Guide to the Past Week’s Posts on Just Security (Sept. 23-27)
Recap: A Guide to the Past Week’s Posts on Just Security (Sept. 28-Oct. 4)
Recap: A Guide to the Past Week’s Posts on Just Security (Oct. 5-11)
Recap: A Guide to the Past Week’s Posts on Just Security (Oct. 12-18)
Recap: A Guide to the Past Week’s Posts on Just Security (Oct. 19-25)
Recap: A Guide to the Past Week’s Posts on Just Security (Oct. 26-Nov. 1)
Recap: A Guide to the Past Week’s Posts on Just Security (Nov. 2-8)

Recap: A Guide to the Past Week’s Posts on Just Security (Nov. 9-15)
Recap: A Guide to the Past Week’s Posts on Just Security (Nov. 16-22)
Recap: A Guide to the Past Week’s Posts on Just Security (Nov. 23-29)
Recap: A Guide to the Past Week’s Posts on Just Security (Nov. 16-22)
Recap: A Guide to the Past Week’s Posts on Just Security (Nov. 30-Dec. 6)

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