In what is certainly a bittersweet announcement, next month I will be moving to San Francisco and returning to private practice.  As a result, in late August, I will be stepping down as Managing Editor of Just Security.  This means that Just Security is looking for my replacement and is currently accepting applications for the managing editor position now through August 7th.  The full job posting is available below the fold. Please do forward this opportunity to any great candidates who you think would be interested.

It’s been a pleasure working with the entire Just Security team and interacting with so many of our readers.  I’m very grateful to have been a part of this wonderful group.

Just Security Job Announcement: Managing Editor
July 22, 2013

Just Security is seeking a full-time Managing Editor for the Just Security blog (, with effective start date of early to mid fall 2014.  The position may be located either New York City or Washington, D.C.

Just Security is an online forum for the rigorous analysis of U.S. national security law and policy.  We aim to promote principled and pragmatic solutions to national security problems that decision-makers face.  Our Board of Editors includes individuals with significant government experience, civil society attorneys, academics, and other leading voices. Just Security is administratively based at the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice at New York University School of Law.

The Managing Editor will be primarily responsible for the managing the editorial content calendar and staff of the blog and working with other members of the Senior Editorial team and Just Security contributors to ensure comprehensive and balanced coverage of events and developments in U.S. national security.  Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience, with a generous vacation and benefits package.

To apply, please send a CV, cover letter, names and contact information for three references, and a writing sample to:  Audrey Watne at WatneA(at) by August 7th.  Please include in the subject line: “Just Security Managing Editor”

Education/Experience Requirements:

  • J.D. or masters degree or higher in political science, government, journalism, or related field, as well as a demonstrated interest in the law.
  • Demonstrated interested in national security, counterterrorism, constitutional law, or human rights.
  • Experience on Capitol Hill or other relevant governmental experience is a plus.
  • Experience managing a team is a plus.
  • Experience with WordPress and web coding is a plus.

Primary Duties:

Managing and Producing Editorial Content (60%):

  • Ensure recent/upcoming events are covered by the blog.
  • Write descriptive analyses of important developments not covered by other Just Security contributors.
  • Recruit high-level guest posts and solicit letters to the editor.
  • Search for new and upcoming developments and liaise with relevant contributors who may cover the development.
  • Organize mini-events, symposia, and debates on the blog.
  • Work with student contributors to develop static content for the website, including “The Books We’ve Read” and “Best of” reading lists.

Marketing and Outreach (20%):

  • Organize Just Security sponsored and co-sponsored events.
  • Be a face of the organization through liaising with relevant partner organizations and attending issue-relevant meetings, conferences, hearings, and other events.
  • Liaise with congressional staff members and administration officials to leverage Just Security content for the greatest impact on policy debates.

Management and Administration (10%):

  • Manage and oversee the Just Security budget.
  • Prepare reports for project grant donors as specified by grant requirements.
  • Manage the Just Security staff that includes at least one full-time staff member based in New York, a part-time staff member based in Europe, and interns.

Other (10%):

  • Copy editing: format blog posts and organize website for uniformity and consistency in style; proofread editors’ posts for substance and form when requested.
  • Web site management: work with other staff and editorial team to manage the website, including production of special features and other regular features such as the “Pipeline;” help with incremental changes in website design and development.
  • Screen for valuable Letters to the Editor




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